Animal behavior is defined as the study of what animals do as they interact with their environment.
Examples of studying behavior through observations and experiments include distinguishing between immediate and ultimate causes of behavior.
Key terms in the study of animal behavior include animal behavior, immediate cause, and ultimate cause.
People have been curious about the activities of other animals for thousands of years.
Asking questions about an animal's actions is the first step in the study of animal behavior.
Observing the humpback whales can lead to asking many questions about their distinctive behaviors.
The function of the humpback whale's bubble-blowing behavior is to create a "bubble net" that traps small fish and shrimp for feeding.
Scientists rely on two approaches to explore life: discovery science (observation and careful description) and hypothesis-based science (testing explanations, usually with experiments).
Most investigations of animal behavior involve a combination of discovery science and hypothesis-based science.
Observing an animal closely and describing an interesting behavior can lead to asking a question about the behavior and developing a testable hypothesis to explain it.
When scientists study animals in the wild, using controlled experiments to test hypotheses is often impractical.
In situations where controlled experiments are impractical, scientists can test their hypotheses through further observation.
Jane Goodall's field study on chimpanzees is an example of testing hypotheses through further observation.
Dr. Goodall's tools for studying the chimps were minimal: a notebook, binoculars, and patience.
After six months, the chimps allowed Dr. Goodall to approach close enough to make detailed observations.
By tracking individuals, Dr. Goodall noticed patterns in the animals' interactions with each other.
Each chimp had a social rank within the group.
Dr. Goodall hypothesized that higher-ranking chimps must have certain advantages over lower-ranking chimps.
Her further observations of female chimps supported this hypothesis.
The highest-ranking females had access to the best food and could thus provide their infants with the richest milk.
Scientists often design experiments to test their hypotheses.
The next time the wasp returned, she flew to the center of the pine-cone circle instead of the actual nest.
By marking the wasps with different-colored drops of paint, Tinbergen was able to track individuals and conclude that they did return to only their own nests.
This time, the wasp flew to the stones, indicating that she was responding to the arrangement of the landmarks rather than the landmarks themselves.
Tinbergen hypothesized that the wasps use landmarks to locate their burrows.
To test his hypothesis, Tinbergen placed a circle of pine cones around a nest opening.
The immediate cause of this behavior—the how—is the reaction of your nervous system, which sends signals to the muscles in your arm.
To answer this, Tinbergen arranged the pine cones in a triangle around the nest and made a circle of small stonesoff to one side of the nest opening.
Tinbergen's results raised a new question: Did the wasp respond to the pine cones themselves or to their circular arrangement?
Tinbergen concluded that the wasp did use landmarks to find her nests, and that she could learn new ones.
Such explanations usually answer "how" questions.
Female digger wasps build their nests in a small burrow in sandy ground.
A reasonable hypothesis for the ultimate cause—the why—is that natural selection has favored this response, which minimizes damage to the body in a dangerous situation.
Answering "why" questions involves finding the ultimate cause of a behavior—an explanation based on the organism's evolutionary adaptations.
Tinbergen's studies looked for the immediate cause of the wasp'sbehavior—that is, an explanation in terms of the organism's immediate interactions with the environment.
In the 1920s, an insect called a digger wasp sparked the curiosity of Dutch biologist Niko Tinbergen.
Behavioral biologists also ask "why" questions—why do organisms behave as they do?
When the wasp flew away, Tinbergen moved the pine cones to one side of the nest.
The immediate cause of nest-locating behavior is the wasp's ability to recognize an arrangement of landmarks.
Tinbergen observed that when a female wasp emerged from her nest, she sometimes flew about as if she were getting her bearings.