Emotional/social domain of development are changes in?
emotional communication, self-understanding, and interpersonal skills
What are the stages (periods) of development?
Prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
What are the two goals of developmental psychology?
Mechanisms and trajectories of development
What are the three key issues in developmental psychology?
Continuity vs. discontinuity, universal vs. variable development, and nature vs. nuture
What is resilience in developmental psychology?
The ability to adapteffectively in the face of threats to development
What are four factors influencing resilience?
Personal characteristics
Warm parental relationship
Social support outside the family
Community resources and opportunities
What was the historical view held by Puritans on development?
Puritans believed children were tainted by original sin
What was the historical view held by John Locke regarding development?
Viewed children as a blank slate (tabula rasa)
What was the historical view held by Jean-Jacques Rosseau regarding development?
Believed kids are noble savages, harmed by parental training
What was the historical view held by Charles Darwin regarding development?
compared species in an evolutionary context
What was the historical view held by Hall and Gesell regarding development?
Normative approach
What was the normative approach held by Hall and Gesell?
when measures of behavior are taken on large numbers of individuals and age-related averages are computed to represent development in normative information
What are the four assumptions of the lifespan perspective?
Development is:
multidimensional (domains overlap) & multidirectional (lose capacity to gain capacity)
plastic (adaptive and responsive)
embedded into multiple contexts
What are the contexts of development?
What is age-graded context in development?
Development tied to age
What is history-graded context in development?
Effect of historical events
What is the nonnormative context in development?
Unusual or atypical circumstances or events that can impact development.
What are the two main ways children respond to stress?
internalization and externalization
What is usually involved in internalization?
anxiety and stress
What emotions are usually associated with externalization?
anger and aggression
Influences of SES on parenting for poor children
parents are stressed, which impacts parenting availability
Influences of SES for the middle class on parenting
most families are resilient and inclusive in their relationship with their children
Influences of SES on affluent parents?
Even kids from affluent families are at risk due to poor parenting, not being around
have higher level of development and education than lower SES families
What is the scope of Freud's psychosexual theory?
personality and childhood development
What is the scope of Erikson's psychosocial theory?
Lifespan development
What is the scope of behaviorism?
observable behavior
What is the scope of social cognitive learning theory?
What is the scope of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
What is the scope of information processing approach?
What is the scope of developmental neuroscience?
brain development
What is the scope of Vgotsky's sociocultural theory?
social and cultural cognitive development
What is the scope of ethology and evolutionary developmental psychology?
behavioral development
What is the scope of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory?
environmental and social
What is the scope of dynamic systems theory?
changing behavioral response to varying environments
Naturalistic observation
observation of behavior in natural contexts
structured observation
observation of behavior in a lab, with set conditions
clinical interview
interview procedure where investigator obtains account of participant's thoughts