History crime and punishment fact test

Subdecks (1)

Cards (35)

  • In 1070, the murdrum fine was introduced by William 1 to protect the invading Normans from Anglo-Saxon attack
  • In 1072, Forest laws introduced by William I. Repealed in 1217 due to the economic misery they caused.
  • in 1164, Constitutions of Clarendon introduced the Courts of Assize
  • In 1194, Coroners were introduced by Richard I
  • In 1215, Trial by ordeal banned by Pope Innocent III
  • In 1290, Edict of Expulsion. Expelled all Jews in England from the country. It remained in force until 1657.
  • In 1351, Statute of Labourers. Workers demand a higher wage. Nobles ask king to make high wages illegal
  • In 1352, Treason Act defines treason and requires punishment of being hung, drawn and quartered 
  • in 1361, Justices of the Peace sit as judges in quarterly sessions
  • In 1381, Peasants Revolt. Thousands of poor peasants from Essex and Kent demand poor relief.
  • In 1404, Law introduces burning at the stake for heresy