What are the 8 characteristics that define life in a living organism?
Order, sensitivity or response to stimuli, reproduction, adaptation, growth and development, regulation/homeostasis, energy processing, and evolution.
When tiny bacteria move toward or away from chemicals.
Chemotaxis but with light.
Science - A specific way of learning and knowing about the natural world
The smallest unit of organization that can be considered a living thing is a cell.
Carl Linneus grouped organisms by similarilty of physical characteristics.
Inductive Reasoning - Uses related observations to make a general conclusion
Deductive Reasoning - Uses a general law or principle to make a conclusion
Basic Science - Used on for knowledge
Applied Science - Used to solve real-world problems
Biome - Large-scale community of organisms, primarily defined on land by the dominant plant types that exist in geographic regions of the planet with similar climatic conditions.
Ecosystem - Community of living organisms and their non-living environment.