oversight - congress

Cards (19)

  • Does Congress fulfil its oversight function effectively?- NO
    no successful impeachment
    presidents can bypass the senate via executive agreements
    purposely block candidates to make the other party look bad partisanship
    unified gov leads to a lack of oversight
  • does congress fulfil its oversight function effectively? -YES
    senate can block presidents' nominations if deemed insufficient committees scrutinise executive actions
    divided gov leads to good oversight
  • what is the senate and president's role in treaties?
    senate must ratify any treaties that the president negotiates
  • who else can congress can impeach other than the president?
    other gov officials
  • for what reasons can congress try to impeach a president?
    bribery, treason or other high crimes and misdemeanours
  • for what other reason can the senate block a nomination?
    partisan reasons
  • what has the senate confirmation of nominees been criticised for?
    being greatly politicised
  • what does the senate confirmation of nominees encourage presidents to do?
    nominate high quality individuals
  • is it common for the senate to refuse appointments?
  • what is needed for many presidential appointments?
    senate confirmation
  • what does the Government Accountability Office do?
    supports congress to investigate and audit the executive - however it's been reduced in size
  • what does the threat of investigation act as?
    motivation to the executive to ensure it's actions are legal and responsible
  • what do committees do during oversight?
    hold meetings, subpoena witnesses to provide info for the investigation
  • who investigates the actions of the executive?
    standing and select committees
  • if a president has a high approval rating is oversight weaker or stronger?
  • when is oversight weaker?
    during times of a unified government
  • when is there an incentive to investigate government?
    when it's a divided government
  • is oversight mentioned in the constitution?
    no - an implied power
  • What is oversight?
    process by which Congress oversees and scrutinises the activities of the federal gov.