McRobbie: Bedroom Culture - women are subjected to more patriarchal control at home
Oakley: Gender Roles - socialised since birth (pink tax) (F)
Wolf: Beauty Myth - women adhere to beauty standards (F)
Goffman: Impression Management - people change behaviour clothes, language to address a situation but act like their normal self at home
Cooley: Looking Glass Self - people create self-image based on responses of others (body language or how people percieve you)
Fanon: 'White-Mask' - imitating culture of coloniser to fit in and adjust to dominant ideology
Bauman: Shopping Mall Identity (PM)
Baudrillard: Hyper-Reality - a different reality formed by media, technology and commercialisation
Durkheim: Anomie - breakdown of social norms/values leading to deviance
Cohen: Status Frustration - when people are unable to achieve the status they desire (e.g. youth subcultures)
Shakespeare: Disability is a social construct (labels are used to categorise people)
Baudrillard: Media Saturation - a constant flow of images and role models to choose identity
Durkheim: Mass Culture is necessary to ensure people have the same norms and values - If there was no culture to teach people, anomie would occur
Giddens: Globalisation has led to an increase in individualism as we can now make choices about our identities
Parsons: Functionalist perspective on family structure - nuclear families with clear gender roles
Marxists: Family structure reflects class inequality - working-class women work outside home due to financial necessity
Feminists: Patriarchy - men dominate society and control women's lives through institutions such as marriage
Postmodernists: Postmodern family - fragmented family structures where individuals create their own identities
Mead: Self-Concept - 'I' (a persons identity and sense of self) is influenced by the 'ME' (social self) -Identity formed through interactions
Giddens: The Reflexive Self - refers to the idea that an individuals identity is formed and developed by self reflection, interactions with others and agencies of socialisation
Willis: Learning to Labour
Hall: wrote about new ethnicities being integrated into mainstream media through globalisation - studied the stereotypes within
Barnes: 10 Stereotypes of Disability - e.g: evil, laughable, a burdern