Obedience - Dispositional Explanation

Cards (6)

  • Dispositional Explanations
    • any explanation of behaviour that highlights the importance of the individual’s personality
  • Authoritarian Personality
    • a type of personality Adorno argued that was susceptible to obeying people in authority
    • individuals are thought to be submissive to those of higher status and dismissive of inferiors
  • Adorno et al research (1950)
    • studied 2000 middle class white americans and their unconscious attitudes towards racial groups and used the F-Scale.
    • people with authoritarian learnings identified with strong people and contemptuous of the weak
    • conscious of their status, showed extreme respect, deference and severalty to those with higher status
    • had fixed stereotypes about groups
    • strong positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice
  • Research support
    Elms and Milgrim (1966)
    • interviews small sample of people who took part in the original study and were fully obedient
    • all completed the F scale as
    • 20 obedient participants scored highly of the scale compared to disobedient participants
  • Limited explanation
    • pre-war germany many dispalyed obedient and racist personalities
    • unlikely they all possessed an authoritarian personality
    • majority of german people identified with the anti-semantic Nazi state
  • F - Scale
    • measure different aspects of the authoritarian personality
    • conventionalism - obedience and respect for authority are the most important values a child should learn
    • authoritarian aggression - sex crimes on children deserve more than imprisonment
    • power and toughness - people can be divided into two distinct classes, strong and weak
    • rate their level of agreement with statements so that a score can be calculated