Cards (32)

  • macroevolution
    the process by which new species are formed from pre-existing species over a long period of time
  • microevolution
    changes in the genetic constitution of a population between generations
  • evolution is characterised by change
  • migration
    movement of an individual between populations
  • migrations means the movement of the individuals alleles and genes
  • gene flow
    movement of genes between populations
  • forms of gene flow include pollen, seeds, and between species
  • gene flow always involves the exchange of genetic material
  • gene flow between populations maintain species integrity
  • lack of gene flow leads to speciation
  • speciation
    group of organisms with potential to interbreed and produce viable offspring
  • speciation needs both isolation and divergence of a population
  • selective is based off of relative fitness
  • relative fitness
    contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributors of other individuals
  • directional selection
    selection against one of the extremes
  • directional selection pushes the mean in one direction
  • stabilising selection
    selection against both extremes, stabilising everything around the mean
  • disruptive selection
    selection against the mean pushing them towards the extremes, lead to speciation
  • sexual selection
    individuals with certain characteristics are more likely to obtain mates
  • sexual selection leads to sexual dimorphism
  • intrasexual selection
    individuals of one sex compete with another for mates of the opposite sex
  • intrasexual selection leads to competition or display
  • intersexual selection
    individuals of one sex are choosing who they mate with
  • intersexual selection is usually done with female choosing male
  • diploidy means that some variation are hidden
  • balancing selection
    selection maintains multiple forms
  • heteozygous has advantages
  • selection does not occur with epigenetics
  • selection works on variation at that time
  • selection is limited by historical constraints
  • adaptations are often compromises
  • random selection
    selection just by chance, often the result of human activity