darwins theory of evolution, human beings evolved from apes. hyde being compared to an ape the fact that his fury is compared to an ape implies that hyde isnt a fully evolved human being he has the raw primitive instincts of his forefathers the fact that his depravity is compared to what humans are believed to have evolves from indicates that every single human, deep inside them has this evil animalistic nature, hence why he was able to "trample calmly" because every human is inately eveil and has deep dark desires and that is the only charcteristic of our ancestors retained
when we look at freuds theory of the brain the characters in the text are slaves to their id, the desire of worship.jekyll worships the idea of freedom and power(unaccountability), hyde worships pure evil
finish and analyse the quote "o my poor old harry jekyll,...."
"o my poor old harry jekyll, if ever i read Satan's signature upon a face, it is on that of your new friend". through sibilance in "satan's signature" this creates the hissing sound of a snake. this can be linked to the story of genesis, where the snake was responsible for tempting eve to eat the fruit. could be implying that hyde is the snake tempting jekyll into hidden sin. additionally the snake in genesis was the devil. the use of foreshadowing through biblical allusion reiterates hyde is pure evil. then juxtaposes satan with "new friend" because hyde doesnt have the desirable qualities that jekyll would want in a friend, being such a reputable victorian gentleman.
" i felt younger, lighter, happier in body" the use of the adjective "happier" shows how his new evil state is enticing him.rule of 3 symbolises how he felt better as hyde who is the embodiment of all of jekylls supressed evil desires.
finish and analyse the quote "" all human beings...
" all human beings... are commingled out of good and evil: and Edwards Hyde alone in the ranks of mankind was pure evil" the use of the verb "commingled" indicates that all humans have both good and evil desires however what seperates us is our moral compass and supression of those evil desires. the use of the adjective "pure" juxtoposes the mixture of good and bad wiuthin us all and labels hyde as being bereft of all good.
finish and analyse the quote " i sat in the sun on a bench;....
"i sat in the sun on a bench;the animal within me licking the chops of memory; the spiritual side a little drowsed, promising subsequent penitence, but not yet moved to begin." (THIS QUOTE IS AFTER JEKYLL SUPPRESSED HYDE FOR A LONG TIME AND HES ABOUT TO COME BACK OUT) the metaphor "chops of memory" depicts hyde as a starving, desperate animal devouring the remnants of the evil he carried out. the spiritual side a little droswed" symbolises the weakness of man that jekyll cant help himself against hyde and all he can do is "promise subsequent pentinence."
"if i am the chief of sinners, i am the chief of sufferers also" in the pursuit of freedom, they suffer tenfold. this is perhaps a warning to the victorian audience to not attempt to cheat god as it will only result in your ultimate demise.
finish and analyse the quote "with ape-like fury,..."
"with ape-like fury he was trampling his victim under foot and hailing down a storm of blows under which the bones were audibly shattered" "ape-like fury" links to darwins theory. "the bones were audibly shattered". the use of auditory imagery intends to exaggerate the sound to depict the vicious and brutal nature at which hyde attacks sir danvers carew
"the man trampled calmly over the child's body" shows the outcome of not having a moral compass to suppress those immoral evil desires. this also shows id in full action
"i swear to god i will never set eyes on him again. i bind my honour to you that i am done with him in this world. it is all at an end" shows jekyll's lack of control over himself and inability to suppress his immoral counterpart. alludes to the religious idea to not mess with god as you cant control the outcome