the psychological state of viewing ones gender as male, female, both, neither, or genderfluid
gender refers to the biological, social, and psychological characteristics associated with being female or male, feminine or masculine or some combination
transgender is a term for a person who identifies as a sex different from the sex assigned to them at birth
cisgender is a term for a person whose gender identity matches the sex assigned to them at birth
traditional gender roles are social norms that specify socially appropriate behavior for females and males in society
what influences gender socialization?
social media
the feminization of poverty
a disproportionate percentage of poverty is experienced by women living alone or with their children
poverty contributes to teen pregnancy, since teens have limited supervision and few alternatives to parenthood
early childbearing interferes with education and restricts earning capacity
offspring are born into poverty, and the cycle repeats
challenges of men
men who define themselves in terms of their job, income or career choices may leave their self-esteem vulnerable should they become under employed or unemployed
men who restrict their expression of emotions are denied the opportunity for interpersonal sharing
men who believe it is not their role to participate in domestic activities will not be competent in these life skills
according to research, what is the most undesirable trait women find in men?
too controlling
androgyny - a proactive blending of behavior associated with traditional stereotypical masculinity and feminity, so a biological male may be gentle and nurturing, and a biological female may be assertive and selfish
the goal of androgyny is to become devoid of toxic masculine traits such as aggression, emotional indifference, selfishness, showing off, submissive, fragile, etc.
in the book, Johanna is intersex
gender identity is not what is in your pants, but what is in your head
heterosexism refers to the institutional and social reinforcement of heterosexuality as the privileged and powerful norm. The assumption that a person is cisgender and heterosexual
heterosexism results in prejudice and discrimination against homosexual, bisexual, and transexual people
internalized homophobia - is a sense of personal failure and self hatred among non hetero, cisgender persons resulting from social rejection and stigmatization of being abnormal
homophobia - can result in denying one's identity and staying in the closet out of fear of negative reactions/ consequences
biphobia - a parallel set of negative attitudes toward bisexuality (also called binegativity)
transphobia - negative attitudes toward transsexuality or those who self-identify as transsexual
coming out refers to being open and honest about one's sexual orientation and identity, and is a major decision with which GLBTQ individuals struggle
risks of coming out
parent and family reactions
harassment and discrimination at school
discrimination and harassment in the workplace
hate crime victimization
benefits of coming out
acceptance from parents
lower levels of alcohol and drug consumption
fewer identity and adjustment problems
children benefit when there are two parents in the household but the gender of the parents is irrelevant
Genderqueers - individuals who reject the binary sex and gender system and whose gender identity and expression do not conform to the normative categories of a man or woman
bisexuality - cognitive, emotional, and sexual attraction to members of both sexes
cisgender - individuals whose gender identity and expression aligns with their assigned sex at birth
heterosexual - emotional and sexual attraction to individuals of the other sex
homosexual - older prejudicial term that refers to the predominance of cognitive, emotional, and social attraction to individuals of the same sex
lesbian - a woman who prefers same-sex partners
LGBITQ - general term for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, etc.
transgender - a person whose gender identity does not match the biological sex they were assigned at birth
pansexuality - sexual attraction to other people regardless of their biological sex, gender, or gender identity
satiation - a stimulus loses its value with repeated exposure (lovers tire of each other if around each other all the time)
conversion therapy - is bad for people and can lead to emotional damage and internal homophobia
happiness doesn't depend on when you fall in love
intersex - an umbrella term that includes a variety of congenital conditions involving atypical physical and biological sexual characteristics