Cards (12)

    • Q:Evaluate drug therapy as a treatment of OCD
      • one strength is that they are cost effective and don't effect day to day life
      • One strength is that it has good evidence for its effectiveness - Mustafa at al (2009)
      • One weakness is that there are serious side effects - aggression and heart-related problems
      • Publication bias is a weakness because researchers are sponsored by drug companies 
    • Q:Evaluate the biological explanation of OCD
      1.One weakness of the COMT and SERT genes is that there are studies that oppose them - Pauls and Leckman 
      2. One strength is that it has supporting studies (Comer (2009)
      3.One Limitation is that it cant shows a cause and effect relationship as the researchers dont often manipulate the IV so its just association.
      4.One strength is that there is real life application that was mapping the human genome
    • Q:Evaluate the cognitive treatments of depression 1
      1. One strength of cognitive treatments of depression is that REBT involves family so patient doesnt feel lonely.
      2. Another strength is that REBT has a 90% success rate
      3. One strength is that REBT has low relapse rates and drug therapies only mask symptoms
      4. One weakness is that REBT is unable to change the patients environment if that is what is making them feel depressed (e.g. a suite partner or bullying boss)
    • Q:Evaluate the cognitive treatments of depression
      1. One limitation of CBT is that it lacks effectiveness for severe cases and clients with disabilities.
      2. Another limitation is that it has high relapse rates
    • Q:Evaluate the cognitive explanations of behaviour
      1. One strength of Becks Theory is that it has good supporting evidence. - Grazzioli and terry (65 pregnant ladies study)
      2. One strength of cognitive explanation is that has real life application as becks theory forms the basis of cognitive therapy 
      3. One weakness is that it doesnt explain all aspects of depression (cotards syndrome)
      4. One limitation is that there are explanations that oppose it - Alloy and Abramson (1979) suggest that depressed people tend to see things more for what they are.
    • Q:Evaluation of the behavioural approach as a treatment of phobias (16 marker)
      1. One strength of Sensitive desensitisation as treatment for behaviour is that it has supporting studies (Gilroy et al)
      2. One appraisal of SD is that it is more appropriate than other therapies
      3. One strength of SD as a treatment for behaviour is that it can be applied to virtual reality
      4. One weakness of SD as a treatment for behaviour is that it isn’t the only therapy that works within the behaviourist approach.
    • Q: Evaluation of the behavioral explanation of phobias (16 marker)
      1. One strength is that it has supporting studies (Ad de Jongh et al)
      2. One weakness is that it supporting studies have methodological issues
      3. One weakness is that its models cant explain all symptoms of behaviour (emotional and cognitive)
      4. One strength is that the behaviourist approach has methods of treating them (SD and Flooding)
    • Q: Discuss at least two definition of abnormality (16 marks)
      1. One strength of statistical infrequency is that it is useful in real life - clinical diagnosis and symptom assessment
      2. One limitation of statistical infrequency is that infrequent characteristics can be positive as well as negative - (IQ above 130 or very low depression score)
    • Q: Discuss at least two definition of abnormality (16 marks)
      1. One strength of deviation of social norms is its usefulness - in clinical practice and psychological diagnosis
      2. One weakness of deviation of social norms is it varies in different cultures
    • Q: Discuss at least two definition of abnormality (16 marks)
      1. One strength of the failure to function criteria is that it represents a threshold of when people need professional help
      2. One limitation of failure to function criteria is that it is easy to label non-standard lifestyle choices as abnormal
    • Q: Discuss at least two definition of abnormality (16 marks)
      1. One strength of ideal mental health is that it is highly comprehensive (so symptoms can be discussed with a range of symptoms)
      2. One weakness of the ideal mental health criteria is that its different elements are not applicable across all cultures (self actualisation would be dismissed as self indulgent in some cultures)
    • Evaluate the genetic explanation of OCD:
      1. RLA - STRENGTH = genetic mapping
      2. WEAKNESS = Is deterministic as you cant choose your genes so leaves patients with a feeling of doom
      3. STRENGTH = SS - Carey and Gottesman
      4. WEAKNESS = concordance isnt 100% (Van Grootheest et al)
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