drainage basin- an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
2)upper course
3)middle course
5)lower course
7)river mouth
source is where a river starts usually in the mountains
mouth is where a river ends at a lake/sea
tributary is when a smaller river joins a larger one
confluence is the point at which rivers meet
watershed is the highland separating one river basin from another
cross profile is like cross section of a mountain, an imaginery slice across a river channel
long profile is the line representing the river from its source to its mouth .it shows how the river changes over its course
cross change downstream:
river channel becomes wider and deeper and valley becoming wider and flatter
sides are less steep compared to v shaped appearance further upstream
changes happen bc of amt of water flow in river
tributaries bring water from one part of drainage basin and river becomes bigger
upper course has shallowturbulent water as friction with land slows flow rate but it can be fast and narrow bc it's deeper, showing that velocity can vary
the middle course has lots of tributaries which bring in water making it deeper channels and the less friction and more velocity makes it float faster. it's less steep than mountains
the lower course has gentler gradient and the water mouths out to a larger water body