behavioural approach - classical

Cards (6)

  • There are two learning approaches within Psychology.
    Both argue that behaviour is learnt, however this both have different views on how this occurs.
    • Behaviourism
    • Social learning theory
  • The behaviourist approach is a way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observable and in terms of learning
  • behaviourism Assumptions:
    • We are born as a blank slate and everything we become is due to learning from our environment through conditioning
    • We should focus on observable behaviour that can be objectively measured (scientific)
    • It is valid to study the behaviour of animals as they share the same principles of learning
  • All behaviour is learnt through conditioning:
    • Classical conditioning – through association
    • Operant conditioning – through consequences (reinforcement and punishment)
  • strength -
    Watsons and Rayner showed that phobias could be learned in the ‘little Albert’ experiment where an association between a rabbit and scary noise was formed.
    This supports the idea that behaviour can be learnt through association (classical conditioning)
  • Classical conditioning suggests we learn through association .e.g. Pavlov’s dog