biological approach

Cards (10)

  • The biological approach is the study of the biology of behaviour, focusing on the nervous system, hormones and genetics.  It examines the relationship between mind and body.
    • Psychology should be seen as a science and studied scientifically
    • Everything psychological is at first biological
    • Behaviour has a genetic and neurochemical basis
    • Animals can be studied and compared to understand human behaviour
  • There are different methods for investigating the extent to which psychological characteristics are affected by inheritance (genes)
    • Twin studies
    • Family studies
    • Adoption studies
  • Concordance rates are the extent to which twins share the same characteristics. The higher the concordance rate, the stronger the extent to which traits are shared.
  • It is almost impossible to get a 100% concordance rate in MZ twins as environment influences most things…
    A higher concordance rate among identical (MZ) twins than non-identical (DZ) twins is evidence of a genetic basis.
    e.g. 68% of MZ twins both have OCD compared to 31% of DZ twins
  • Genotype = genetic make-up (the genes you posses)
    Phenotype = the way genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics
  • Darwin – theory of natural selection
    • Any genetically determined behaviour that enhances survival and reproduction will be passed on to the next generation
    • These genes are adaptive and give the individual and offspring an advantage
  • strength -
    To investigate the genetic basis of behaviour, the approach uses precise and scientific methods e.g. brain scanning techniques and drug trails.
    The biological approach is based on reliable data and has good validity.
  • strength -
    Increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain has led to the development of drugs to treat serious mental illnesses. Although not effective for all, they have revolutionised treatment for many.
    The approach has meant sufferers are able to live relatively normal lives, rather than having to be in a hospital.
  • weakness -
    The role of neurotransmitters in mental illness comes from studies which show a particular drug reduces symptoms of the disorder by changing neurotransmitter levels. However, this does not mean that the neurotransmitter is causing the illness.
    The biological approach claims the cause of mental illnesses is neurotransmitter levels, however we can not prove causation, only a correlation.
  • weakness -
    The biological approach is deterministic in that is sees behaviour as governed by internal biological causes, over which we have no control.
    The biological approach is biologically deterministic and may have wider implications for society such as criminals having an excuse for their behaviour.