Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preference

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  • Intrasexual selection
    Individuals of one sex must outcompete other members of their sex in order to gain access to members of the other sex
  • Intrasexual selection
    Successful individuals are able to mate and so are able to pass on their genes
  • Intrasexual selection
    Whatever characteristic leads to success in these same-sex contests become more widespread in the gene pool by virtue of the reproductive advantage this gives to the winners
  • Intersexual selection
    Members of one sex evolve preferences for desirable qualities in potential mates
  • Intersexual selection
    Members of the opposite sex who possess these characteristics will then gain a mating advantage over those who do not
  • Intersexual selection
    Preference of one sex will determine the area in which the other sex must compete
  • Sexual selection and long term mate preference
    Low quality mates will be more likely to produce unattractive and unhealthy offspring but by joining forces with an attractive, high-quality mate offspring are higher quality and an individual's genes are much more likely to be passed on
  • Females prefer mates who
    Invest resources in her and her children, physically protect her and her children, show promise as a good parent and are sufficiently compatible to ensure minimal costs to her and her children
  • Males prefer mates who
    Display signals of fertility
  • Buss study

    • Procedure: Over 10000 people from 37 different cultures
    • Participants were asked to rate each of 18 characteristics on how important they would be in choosing a mate
    • 4 point scale was used- 3 to 0
  • Buss study findings
    • Resources: Women more than men desired men with good financial prospects- resources or ambition
    • Physical attractiveness: Men place more importance on physical attractiveness- cue to women's health and reproductive value
    • Youth: Men universally wanted mates who were younger than them
    • Both sexes wanted intelligent and kind mates
  • Cultural traditions may be just as important as evolutionary forces
    • Bernstein: gender differences in mate preference might stem from cultural traditions rather than evolved characteristics
    • Women have been denied economic and political power in many cultures might account for their tendency to rely on the security and economic resources provided by men
    • Kasser and Sharma: analysis of 37 cultures showed that women valued potential mates’ access to resources far more in cultures where women’s status and educational opportunities were sharply limited
  • Female preference for high status men may not be universal
    • Buller: evolutionary psychologists are mistaken in their claims of a universal female preference for high status men
    • Majority of studies for female mate preference have only been carried out on female undergrads- these women expect to achieve high educational status so have expectations of high-income levels
    • The fact that these women prefer high status men might be explained by a general preference for high status men or preference for men with similar interests education and prospects to their own
  • Mate choice in real life
    • Studies like buss might suffer from a lack of ecological validity
    • However many real life studies also support the mate choice hypotheses- study of actual marriage in 29 cultures confirmed that men do choose younger women
    • Some critics suggest that questionnaires like ones used in Buss’ study are more valid measures of partner preference than real-life marriage statistics especially in cultures where arranged marriages are the norm
  • Mate choice and the menstrual cycle
    • Female mate choice varies across the menstrual cycle
    • Women choose a slightly feminised version of a male face as ‘most attractive’ for a long-term relationship as it shows kindness and cooperation in parental care
    • For short term sexual relationship during the high conception risk of the menstrual cycle the preferred face shape was more masculinised- possible genetic benefits in producing male offspring
    • Meta-analysis of 58 studies was largely non supportive specifically the claim of a preference for masculine males when women were at their most fertile
  • Research supports that some human traits that serve no survival purpose have evolved due to sexual selection
  • Preference for highly creative partners has been a characteristic of mate choice throughout evolutionary history
  • Sample of contemporary British poets and artists and a control group of males in the non creative professions

    • Males in the creative professions tended to have significantly more sexual partners
    • The amount of their creative output was positively correlated with the number of sexual partners
  • Females are motivated to choose creative males
    Because of the potential adaptive value of creativity and ingenuity that would be passed on to their offspring