
Cards (43)

  • social group collection of two or more people who interact with one another
  • primary group it is small, intimate and less specialize groups
  • secondary group are larger, less intimate and more specialized groups
  • reference group to which we compare ourselves. serve as a standard
  • in-group one belongs and with which one feels a sense of identity
  • out-group individual does not identify with. one feels antagonism
  • networks a structure of connection of an individual with oneself
  • kinship refers to relations formed between members of society
  • descent refers to the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality
  • kinship by blood or consanguineal kinship is achieved by birth or blood affinity
  • unilineal either from patrilineal or matrilineal descent but not both
  • patrilineal is reckoned through his or her father's line of descent
  • matrilineal is seen through his or her mother's line of descent
  • bilateral both from the mothers and the fathers line of descent
  • kinship by marriage of affinal kinship developed when a marriage occurs
  • marriage union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them
  • affinal kinship human relation through marriage
  • endogamy partner must be selected from a person's own social group
  • exogamy partner must be chosen from a group different from one's own
  • monogamy refers to the marriage of one woman to one man at a time
  • serial monogamy if remarriage is allowed following divorce or death of a partner
  • polygamy having more than one legal spouse at the same time
  • polygyny if a man is married to more than one wife at a time
  • polyandry when it is woman who is married to more than one spouse
  • child marriage parents of child arrange a future marrieage with another child parents
  • exchange marriage involves reciprocal exchange of spouses between two nations, groups or tribes
  • diplomatic marriage marriages arranged for political reasons
  • modern arranged marriage parents choose several possible mates for the child
  • post-marital residency rules patterns of behavior concerning the place a married couple live after marriage
  • patrilocal with or near the husbands patrilineal kinsmen
  • matrilocal residence is with or near the wife's patrilineal kinsmen
  • avunculocal residence is with or near the maternal uncle
  • bilocal with or near the parents of either spouse
  • neolocal residence is apart from the relatives of both spouses
  • kinship by ritual an individual has religious, economic, or political relationship with or other kinds of social ties such as friendships
  • family and household refers to a group of people living together and functioning as a single household
  • nuclear family consisting a pair of adults and other offspring
  • extended family married couple and his children that live with either the husband or the wife's parents
  • reconstituted family which either one or both of the adults have a child or children from a previous relationship living in their home
  • transitional family adopt separate living arrangement in two or more countries but retain close links with their homeland