Science Microorganisms

Cards (35)

  • Unicellar are one celled organisms which are mostly invisible to a naked eye.
  • multicellar are more than 2 celled organisms
  • Desease causing microorganisms are called pathogens
  • Bacteria are simple, unicellar organisms
  • some species are free living (saptrotrophs)
  • The cell envelope encloses the contents of the cell. it consists of three layers
  • Appendages:
    The flagella that are distributed over the surface of bacterial cells for movement and attactment
  • Such distribution can be kbserved when bacteria are subjected to a Gram staining process
  • A bacterial colony is a group of the same kind of bacteria growing together on a specific culture medium placed on a petri dish
  • In terms of shape, bateria fall into three morphological categories:
  • Cocci (singular: coccus)
  • Diplococci (in pairs)
  • terads (consisting of four cells)
  • sarcina (consisting 8 cells)
  • streptococci (in chains)
  • staphylococci (in clusters like a bunch of grapes)
  • baccilli are rod-shaped oor cigar shaped bacteria
  • Spirilla are curved or twisted or spiral shaped bacteria with fairly ridged bodies
  • A single bacterium can become two in 20 minutes
  • Three types of axesual reproduction:
    binary fission
    spore formation
  • The sexual method is considered a rare phenomenon that can happen in some special circumtances.
  • The sexual method is through genetic recombination
  • Some species of bacteria uses leather tanning. Tanning is a process that converts the skin of ananimal into leather.
  • protozoans or "animal like" protist are desease causing or pathogenic.
  • Entamoeba hisolytica a species of amoeba, is parasitic and can cause amoebic dysentery. The parasite lives in the intestine of humans and feeds on intestinal walls, causing bleeding ulcers.
  • Plasmodium falciparum causes malaria
  • trypanosoma gambiense is a protozoan species that can cause sleeping sickness. The parasite is spread to humans and other domestic animals by the bite of an infected tsetese fly.
  • trichonoympha is another flagellated protozoan that lives in symbiosis int he digestive tract of termites.
  • plasmodium is the protozoan that causes malarial fever in humans.
  • The plant like protist commomly known as algae
  • phytoplankton known as the dinoflagelletes
  • excessive increase in the population growth of dinoflagelletes is a phenomenon called algal bloom, popularly know as red tide
  • Red tides produce toxins that kill much of the coastal wildlife and can cause paralysis and other illness or even death to humans.
  • Fungi exist in almost every terrestrial and aquatic habitat.
  • 3 layers of cell envelope:
    Cell wall
    plasma membrane