Cards (7)

  • CBT is a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioural therpay
  • CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy
  • How CBT works
    1. Assessment
    2. Engagement
    3. The ABC model
    4. Normalisation
    5. Critical collaborative analysis
    6. Developing alternative explanations
  • Normalization: throughout the sessions the therapist will try to show how even normal people may experience delusions if under extreme stress. Putting the psychotic symptoms on a continuum with normality the patient will feel less different and more able to see recovery is possible.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) works by identifying and changing faulty cognitions such as delusions
  • The therapist’s role is to challenge the irrational beliefs of the patient. This could be by logically disputing the reality of the delusions and helping the patient to develop alternative belief systems.
  • Reality testing is a process in which the patient can demonstrate for themselves that their irrational thoughts (hallucinations and delusions) are not real (symptom targeting).