Salus populi est suprema lex - The safety of the people is the most fundamental law.
The safety or welfare of the people is the most supreme law.
The safety of the people is the supreme law.
Political Dynasties - Loophole in the constitutional provision.
Contrast and Distinguish what Nation and State are: Nation - Group of persons with identity, where in there’s cohesion and belongingness.
State - It is an organization, it is a group of people who are authorized to implement governmental function.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is a socio-economic response.
Strengths of Democratic Government include determining the level of effectiveness of the government, measuring government works or not, and creating a trustworthy government.
People on a territory is a sample for social studies.
Weaknesses of Democratic Government include elitism, social influence, and corruption.
Democratic Government is a way for us to know if our government is a government of men or a government of laws.
The 1973 constitution is different and should be contrasted with the 1987 constitution.
1973 Constitution - Martial law constitution - Unicameral National Assembly was instituted by the President.
National Assembly has the right to elect the president from one of its members.
The President has an unlimited number of chances to be reelected by the National Assembly.
1987 Constitution - Made via Constitutional Convention (ConCon) - It is a new charter - It is ratified by the people - It was ratified on February 2, 1987 - It is Supreme, Rigid, Unalterable, and Complete!
During the State formation of the Philippines, when the state PH is chuchuchuc.
Isabelo Artacho and Felix Ferrer were the informal leaders of the Tejeros Convention.
The Preamble
The form of government under the 1899 Malolos Constitution was a parliamentary republic, known as the "Assembly of Representatives".
A nation must be cohesive and have belongingness.
The 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was proclaimed on March 22, 1897, and the first presidential and vice presidential elections in the Philippines were held.
An alignment between a political unit (state) and unit of culture (nation) is defined as the capacity, which refers to the means at the disposal of the state.
A republic is a group of persons entrusted to make laws.
The meeting of the revolutionary government was held on November 1, 1897, at Biak na Bato, San Miguel de Mayumo in Bulacan.
The Philippines is a democratic State, however, the Philippines is also a republican state.
The Philippines is a signatory to the UN and the UN ratified our membership on June 10, 1942.
The 1899 Malolos Constitution is the first republican constitution in Asia.
In the context of a nation-state, a capacity is a means to implement governmental goals that require the presence of a coherent bureaucratic apparatus.
The National Territory (Article 1)
The Declaration of State Policies and State Principles (Article 2, sections 1-6, 25-27)
The Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, also known as the Jones Law, paved the way for Philippines' independence.
The 1935 Constitution, written in 1934, was approved and adopted by the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935-1946) and later used by the Third Republic (1946-1972).
The 1943 Constitution, drafted by a committee appointed by the Philippines executive commission, was ratified by the KALIBAPI Assembly in 1943, marking the proclamation of the 2nd Republic.
The 1973 Constitution, promulgated after Marcos declaration of Martial Law, is a parliamentary-style government with a unicameral national assembly and a president chosen from the assembly with unlimited reelection.
The first republican constitution was proclaimed on January 20, 1899.
The 1986 Freedom Constitution, also known as Proclamation No. 3, granted the president broad powers and established a ConCon to frame a new "charter".
The Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934) provided authority to the Philippines and established a ConCon.
Sovereignty resides in the people according to the Philippines' first republican constitution.
The 1987 Constitution is the supreme, rigid, unalterable, and complete constitution.