Definitions of abnormalities

Cards (6)

  • What are the definition of abnormilities?
    • deviation from social norms
    • failure to function adequately
    • Deviation From ideal mental health
    • statistical infrequency
  • what is meant by deviation from social norms ?
    their behaviour violates the unwritten rules about what is expected or unacceptable
  • what is failure to function adequately ?
    the inability to cope with the demands of everyday life
    unable to perform behaviours necessary for day to day living
  • What is deviation from ideal mental health ?

    we define what is normal
    anything that deviates is abnormal
  • What is the criteria for ideal mental health ?
    • positive view of self
    • capability for growth and development
    • accurate perception of reality
    • self - actualisation
    • positive friendships and relationships
    • environmental mastery
  • What is statistical infrequency ?
    a behaviour is considered abnormal if only a few people within the population display that kind of behaviour
    rare = abnormal