
Cards (12)

  • What is a phobia ?
    an anxiety which interferes with daily living with daily living, irrational fear that produces conscious avoidance to the fear
  • What are the three types of behaviour characteristics?
    • behavioural
    • emotional
    • cognitive
  • What are the behavioural characteristics ?
    • Panic
    • avoidance
    • endurance
  • what are the emotional characteristics ?
    • fear
    • anxiety
    • emotional response is unreasonable
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of phobias ?
    • cognitive distortions
    • irrational beliefs
    • selective attention to phobic stimulus
  • which approach explains phobias ?
    the behavioural approach
  • What is the two process model?
    an explanation for the onset and persistence for disorders which create anxiety such as phobias
  • what are the two processes involved in the two process model?
    • classical conditioning
    • operant conditioning
  • what does the two process model suggest ?
    that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning specifically through negative reinforcement
  • How are phobias maintained through operant conditioning?
    a person with a phobia tends to avoid a phobic stimulus as much as they can, this is known as negative reinforcement
    the sense of relief after avoiding the fear serves as a desirable consequence, this means the behaviour will be repeated, this is known as positive reinforcement
  • What behavioural treatments are used for treating phobias ?
    • flooding
    • systematic desensitisation
  • what is flooding ?
    this involves exposing a person with a phobia to their phobic stimulus in a extreme way without a gradual build up in the anxiety hierarchy
    flooding is concerned with the immediate exposure to a frightening situation