Cards (155)

  • Phlebotomy is the process of collecting blood through a vein by using an incision or puncture method to draw blood for analysis or as part of therapeutic or diagnostic measures under the physician’s request.
  • Arterial puncture is not included in phlebotomy.
  • Phlebotomy is used as a diagnostic measure to obtain blood which is subjected to testing to diagnose and know the condition of the patient.
  • Phlebotomy is also used as a therapeutic measure, used as cure or treatment; to alleviate the signs and symptoms of the disease.
  • Polycythemia Vera is a blood disease where there is an increased amount of red blood cells.
  • Phlebotomy is used as a treatment for Polycythemia Vera, the process is similar with blood donation but the blood cannot be transfused to another patient.
  • Phlebotomy is derived from two Greek words: Phlebos (vein) and Temnein (to cut).
  • Venesection, also called as Venection, comes from Latin words: Vena (vein) and Sectio (cutting).
  • Stone Age: Crude tools to cut vessels and drain blood from the body.
  • 1400 B.C: ancient Egyptians also practiced phlebotomy as form of “bloodletting” using fleams and leeches.
  • Do not have or show bad mood in front of your patient.
  • Dependability observes proper work ethic, takes personal responsibility for their actions, and is ethical in all aspects of patient care.
  • In the healthcare setting, there are two categories: inpatient (non-ambulatory) and outpatient (ambulatory).
  • Ethical behavior is a system of moral principles or standards that govern conduct and the distinction between right and wrong.
  • There are three levels of healthcare: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
  • Ambulatory care is medical care given to patients requiring care or follow-up check-ups after their discharge from the hospital.
  • Components of good communication are verbal communication, non-verbal communication, active listening, and empathy.
  • Homebound care is done in a patient’s home or in a long-term facility.
  • Self-motivation takes initiative to follow through on tasks, consistently strives to improve and correct behavior, and makes every effort to provide excellence in all aspects of patient care.
  • Different clinical analysis areas of the laboratory and the types of laboratory procedures performed in a hospital are: Clinical Pathology, Anatomic Pathology, and Microbiology.
  • Public health services are a unit at the local level but are still under the jurisdiction of the health department of the government.
  • Code of ethics primary objective is to safeguard the patient’s welfare and to avoid harming the patient in any way.
  • 460 - 377 BC: Hippocrates, a Greek physician, believed that a person’s health depends on the balance of the four humors: Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
  • The Evacuated Tube System (ETS) allows multiple draws of blood for multiple tests, and the patient should put syringe first before the tube.
  • A torniquet, also known as a latex or nonlatex strap, should be disposable, but in the Philippines, torniquets are usually disinfected and reused.
  • One of the considerations in phlebotomy is patient preparation, as outlined in the Requisition Slip.
  • The gauge used for needles is commonly 21-23, but a gauge of 16 is used for blood donation.
  • The tube holder/adapter and torniquet should be disposable, but in the Philippines, they are usually disinfected and reused.
  • Fasting hours can falsely increase or decrease test results.
  • San Lazaro Hospital provides STD, AIDs orientation notes for patients.
  • Glucose testing is done to monitor sugar, and the Urine is the most ideal specimen for drug testing because of metabolites.
  • The Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) measures the amount of blood in the fecal, and if a patient has eaten horse radish, the result may become falsely positive.
  • A feather lancet has a triangle-shaped thickness, making it more sure that the puncture site will release blood compared to the ordinary lancet.
  • A hematoma happens when there’s no enough pressure, and before leaving, advise the patient to apply pressure to the puncture site for 5-15 minutes.
  • Screening for all ANTIBODIES and identification of antibodies as well as blood components used for transfusion are also conducted in Immunohematology/Blood Banking.
  • Plasma is drawn in a tube with a light blue stopper that contains the anticoagulant sodium citrate.
  • Platelet aggregation evaluates the function of platelets.
  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) evaluates the intrinsic system of coagulation cascade and monitors heparin therapy.
  • Coagulation section in medical laboratory science involves the overall process of Hemostasis, which includes platelets, blood vessels, coagulation factors, fibrinolysis, inhibitors and anticoagulant therapy.
  • Factor Assays detect factor deficiencies that prolong coagulation.