Module 3 : Responsible Parenthood

Cards (29)

  • Reproductive life planning includes all the decisions an individual or couple make about whether and when to have children, how many children to have, and how they are spaced
  • Family Planning - goal is to enable couples and individuals to freely choose how many children to have and when to have them.
  • Natural Family Planning / Fertility Awareness Methods - rely on periods of temporary abstinence and determining fertile days
  • Abstinence - refraining from sexual relations
  • Calendar Method - abstain from sexual relations on the days of ovulation (3-4 days before and after ovulation) ; knowing the "safe days";
  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT) - before the day of ovulation the BBT of a woman drops 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. BBT rises at the time of ovulation due to progesterone
  • Cervical Mucus Method - using Spinnbarkeit Test to determine if a woman is ovulating. The cervical mucus much stretch atleast 1 cm
  • Symptothermal Method - combining calendar method, basal body temperature, and cervical mucus methods
  • Ovulation Detection - Over-the-counter ovulation detection kits
  • Lactation Amenorrhea Method - breastfeeding> natural suppression of ovulation; contraception after childbirth for 3 months. After 3 months, choose another method of contraception
  • Coitus Interruptus - Withdrawal method; a man takes his penis our of the vagina before he ejaculates
  • Combined Oral Contraceptives - oral medications used to prevent pregnancy; it contains synthetic estrogen with a small amount of synthetic progesterone; estrogen suppresses FSH and LH
  • Minipill - oral contraceptive that contains progesterone only
  • Emergency Postcoital Contraception - morning -after pill; it has high level of estrogen which interferes with the production of progesterone inhibiting good implantation
  • Injectable Contraceptive ( DepoProvera) - single dose every 3 months ; intramuscular injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate.
  • Implants - long acting reversible contraceptive; thin rods containing progestin are placed under skin on upper arm
  • Vaginal Ring - A ring inserted into the vagina to release estrogen and progestin hormones which stops ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus.
  • Contraceptive Skin Patch - placed on the arm or back which is left for one month ; patches that slowly but continuously release a combination or estrogen and progesterone
  • Spermicides - chemicals that kill sperm and prevent sperm from reaching the uterus
  • Active Spermicidal Agents - Surface acting ( surfractants) : nonoxynol-9, octoxynol-9, menfegol
  • Base Agent - spermicides that are foams, jellies, creams, foaming tablets, suppositories etc.
  • Sponges - inserted in the vagina, shaped like a mushroom; polyurethane substance; disposable
  • Diaphragm - shallow rubber dome with a firm flexible rim
  • Cervical Cap - soft, deep, rubber cup with a firm, round rim that fits snugly over the cervix
  • Male Condoms - thin sheath made of latex or other materials that is used by males; placed on top of the erect penis with a 1/2 inch empty space at the tip
  • Female Condoms - polyurethane sheath inserted in the vagina before intercourse; has 2 flexible rings ( inner- closed end, outer - open end; stays at the outside of the vagina )
  • Intrauterine Device (IUD) - A small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Has copper which acts like a spermicide
  • Vasectomy - Surgical procedure whereby the vas deferens are cut and tied off to block the passage of sperms
  • Tubal Ligation - Surgical procedure whereby the fallopian tube is blocked or removed to prevent fertilization