functions required to carry out the management process of organizing and monitoring the work performance of an individuals working together in organizations.
management functions
Management – process of getting things done through people and resources
Planning – identification of goals or performance objectives of an organization and the strategic steps to be taken in order to achieve them.
Organizing – demands assigning responsibilities, setting aside funds, and bringing harmonious relationships between individuals and working groups or teams within the organization
Staffing – indicates filling different job positions
- Handling human resources, qualification, training
- Also handles firing
- Factors that affect this are: size of an org, types of job, number of individuals to be hired
Leading – uplifting everyone to work towards a goal through encouragement
Controlling – part of planning in the modern management
Reviewing and, if necessary, correcting the performance of individuals or working groups
Intrinsic Nature of Management – coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness
The GEMS of Management
- Stands for Goal Setting, Executing the Plan, Measuring Result, and Sustaining Growth
The managers are one of the key persons in an organization.
the managerial skills are: conceptual, human and technical skills
Planning – process that involves the setting of the organization’s goals, establishing strategies for accomplishing those goals, and developing plans of actions, or means that manager intend to use to achieve organizational goals.
Goal Setting – identification of target or desired ends that management wants to reach
Vision – mental image of what the organization will be in the future, as desired by the company management and employees.
Mission – basic purpose of an organization and range of their operations
Objectives – steps needed to attain desired ends
Organizational Plan – comprehensive plan for the entire org, covering time frame, specific purpose, frequency of use and others
Strategic Plan – plans that establish the organization’s overall goals and apply to the entire firm; they are broad in scope, responsibility ng head
Trigger point – change in an attribute, condition, factor, or value that represents a threshold and actuates or initiates a mechanism or reaction that may lead to a radically different state of affairs.
Forecasting – an attempt to predict what may happen in the future
Benchmarking – comparing of company’s practices with those of other companies (specially the known ones)
Contingency Plans – must be prepared by managers
- Alternative courses of action when the unexpected happens
Scenario Planning – long-term version of contingency planning
Participatory Planning - planning process that includes the people who will be affected by the plans
Structured or Programmed Decision
- A decision that is repetitive and can be handled using a routine approach
- Straightforward, familiar, and easily defined
- Applied to the resolution of problems that are new or unusual, and for which information is incomplete.
- Described to be unique, nonrecurring and need custom-made decisions
Certainty conditions – manager can make a precise decisions because the results of all alternatives are known
Risk or Uncertainty conditions – estimates regarding the possible occurrence
- Division of labor involves assigning different tasks to different people in the org’s different work units.
- Coordination refers to the procedures that connect the work activities of the different work units of the firm to achieve its overall goal.
· Vertical organization structure – clears out issues related to authority rights, responsibilities, and reporting relationships.
- Authority rights refer to the legitimate rights of individuals appointed in positions like president to give orders to their subordinates
· Horizontal Organization Chart / structure – selection of independent, usually single function organizations that work together to produce a product or service.
An organization structure is a system made up of tasks to be accomplished. It’s types include; vertical, horizontal, and network structure
Line Departments – deal directly with the firms primary goods and services; responsible for manufacturing, selling, and providing services to clients
Staff Departments – support the activities of the line department by doing research, attending to legal matters, performing public relation duties, etc. Departmentalization may be done using three approaches:
· Functional Approach – subdivisions are formed based on specialized activities such as marketing, production, financial management, and human resources management,
· Divisional Approach – departments are formed based on management of their products
· Matrix Approach – is a hybrid form of departmentalization where managers and staff personnel report to the superiors, the functional manager, and divisional managers.