According to AnnaFagelson, Medical Technology is a branched of Medicine.
According to Ruth Heinemann, Medical Technology as the application of principles in laboratory to aid diagnosis and diseases.
RepublicActNo.5527. The Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1964
Use of Machineries are... Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and InformationTechnology
In early years treating a disease is considered mystery
Early documented works were identified to contribute to the advancement of medicine and medical technology due to high mortality incidence caused by plagues and diseases.
In 11th century, physicalexamination is not allowed.
In 18th century, mechanical techniques and cadaver dissection were used to understand the inside of the body.
In 19th century, machines for diagnosis and therapeutic.
Spirometer; John Hutchinson
Jules Herrison; Sphygmomanometer
Spirometry, derived from the Latin words SPIRO (to breathe) and METER (to measure), is a medical test which provides diagnostic information to assess a patient’s lungfunction.
The sphygmomanometer, an instrument which renders the action of the arteries apparent to the eye
EbersPapyrus, the oldest preserved Egyptians compilation of medical text.
It contains chapters on contraception, pregnancy, skin and eye problems, surgery, burns, intestinal disease, and parasites.
Father of Medicine; Hippocrates
Four humors of human body: Blood, plum, yellow bail, and black bail
Tasting of urine; testing of lungs
Chronic Illness and Kidney Disease: Bubbles, blood, and Pus
Galen; described diabetes as diarrhea of urine
Increasedpatients will require increased number of tests that prompted the need of medical professionals.
Technology allows the physician to examine the patients with diagnostic accuracy instead of subjective description of symptoms only.
1816; ReneLaennec; Stethoscope, for lungs and heartbeats.
1840; AntonVanLeeuwenhoek; Microscope, for medical purposes.
1850; HermannVonHelmholz;Ophthalmoscopes, first visual technology
1855; ManuelGarcia; Laryngoscope, to observe throat and larynx.
1859; Willhelm Roentgen; X-Ray, to view the inside of the body
1903; Willem Einthoven; ECG, measures electrical changes of humanheartbeat.
1910; ElizabethKenny; KennyMethod, modernphysicaltherapy in treatment of Polio.
1927; PhillipDrinker; Drinker respirator; to help paralytic anterior poliomyelitispatients.
1939; John Gibbon; Heart-Lung machine.
1941; CardiacCatheterization and Angiography; operated by Forsmann in 1929; developed by Moniz, Reboul, Rousthoi between 1930 - 1940.
Cournand, discovered as a safe method.
Electron microscope for tumor and cancer.
Tomography for organs
MRI for computerized results
Electron microscope, tomography, and MRI are new medical advancement.
1878; Dr. William Welch; Offered the first laboratory course in pathology.
1895; William Pepper Laboratory - University of Pennysylvania.
1908; James C. Todd; wrote the book Clinical Diagnosis: a Manual of Laboratory Diagnosis.