Cards (29)

  • Lawrence Kohlberg believes that a person passes through a sequence of six identifiable stages that exist in the development of a person’s ability to deal with moral issues
  • Carol Gilligan claims that there are “male” and “female” approaches to morality
  • The reasoning process by which human behaviors, institutions, or policies are judged to be in accordance with or in violation of moral standards.
    Moral Reasoning
  • Premises in Logic.
    Moral Standard and Evidence
  • What is the conclusion in logic?
    Moral Judgment
  • Moral Justification – viewing harmful activities as serving worthy ends
  • Euphemistic Labelling – using of sanitized language
  • Advantageous Comparison – comparing/contrasting injurious products to other injurious products making the former benign and has lesser negative effects
  • Displacement of responsibility – transferring of responsibilities – stating that the injurious activity was just an order
  • Diffusion of responsibility – transferring of responsibility to the members of the group
  • Redirecting Blame – those who suffer the harmful effects of the products are blamed for bringing the harm on themselves
  • Disregarding or distorting the Harm – evidence of the harm is discredited
  • Dehumanizing the victim – treating the victim as less human or not human
  • Ethical climate - the beliefs an organization’s members have about how they are expected to behave
  • Ethical culture - the kind of behavior an organization encourages or discourages by repeated use of examples of appropriate behavior, incentives for ethical behavior, clear rules, rewards, stories of notable ethical actions, etc.
  • Moral seduction - the subtle pressures that can gradually lead to an ethical person into decisions to do what he or she knows is wrong.
  • A person’s actions “caused” an injury or wrong.
  • When a party does not cause an injury but merely fails to prevent it.
  • Rationalization of the Act - “Everybody does it.” “There’s no rule against it!” “If I didn’t do it, somebody else would.”
  • Loyal Agent’s Argument - when a subordinate acts on the orders of a legitimate superior, the subordinate is absolved of responsibility for that act
  • Corporation or Individual Dilemma - The corporate act is the responsibility of the corporation, not the individual
  • The process of conceiving stimulus.
  • The stage dictated by the society.
    Good Boy Attitude
  • Specific to general.
  • General to specific.
  • Rationalizing according to past experiences.
  • You are exempted from being morally responsible if:
    Physical Force or Mental Impairment
  • Elements of Mitigation.
    Uncertainty, Difficulty, Contribution
  • A favor for another favor.
    Qued Pro Quo