GASES IN ATMOSPHERE TODAY: stayed constant for around 200 million years
nitrogen = 80%
oxygen = 20%
small proportions of other gases, i.e.:
carbon dioxide
water vapour
noble gases
scientists cannot be certain about the earlyatmosphere since evidence is limited because of the time scale of 4.6 billion years
theory: volcanoes
during the firstbillion years, there was intense volcanic activity, releasing gases that formed in the atmosphere:
water vapour
carbon dioxide
in the early atmosphere, the volcanic activity released water vapour and as the earth cooled, it condensed to form oceans
in the early atmosphere, the volcanic activity released, carbon dioxide, so the earth's atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide with little to nooxygen (so like Mars and Venustoday)
in the early atmosphere, the volcanic activity released nitrogen, which graduallybuilt up in the atmosphere, and there may of been smallamounts of methane and ammonia
so, the earths early atmosphere consisted of mainly carbon dioxide, with small but increasing amounts of nitrogen
differences between early and today:
early contained large amounts of carbon dioxide, today only contains small amounts
early contained verylittleoxygen, but today is it 20%
when the oceans formed, some of the carbon dioxidedissolved in the water = weak acid so:
carbonates were precipitated producing sediments (carbonate rock)
also made corals and shells of organisms such as mussels ; died = limestone
which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Carbon dioxide decreased through plants and algaephotosynthesising
oxygen increase:
2.7 billion years ago, algae first produced oxygen through photosynthesis which entered the atmosphere
over the next billion years, plants evolved, increasing oxygen to a level that enabled animals to evolve
photosynthesis equation:
carbon dioxide + water --> glucose + oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2
photosynthesis releases oxygen but also takes in carbon dioxide
the carbon can be trapped in fossil fuels (containing carbon) and was also reduced due to the formation of sedimentaryrocks
decreasing level of carbon dioxide
gases in atmosphere has stayed constant for around 200 million years