Mental health

Cards (10)

  • S.136 Mental Health Act
    • A person suffering a mental disorder and in immediate need of care or control or
    • In the interest of that a person or for the protection of others:
    • you can remove someone to a place of safety
    • keep that person at the PoS or remove them to another
  • S.136(b) Power of entry
    • public places
    • private places
    • cannot enter dwelling
  • S.136(c) Search power
    • a Constable may search someone if they have reasonable grounds for believing DIE
    • has to be whilst the person is detained
  • Conveyance under S.136
    • always in an ambulance
    • unless the person is violent or there is a long ETA for an ambulance
    • this must be authorised by an inspector or above
  • S.135(1) Mental Health Act
    • provides a constable with a power of entry to a private premises with a warrant
    • Warrant applied for by an approved medical health practitioner
  • S.135(2) Mental Health Act
    • Allows Constable or other AMHP to enter and remove an absent patient
  • Mental Health Capacity Act 2005
    allows people to be detained against their will if they are deemed to lack the capacity to make their own decisions
  • 2 Stage capacity test
    • used to assess capacity
    • cannot be used for under 16 years
  • Part 1 ( 2 stage capacity test)
    • presence of one of the following
    • an impairment or disturbance in the mind or brain
  • Part 2 ( 2 stage test)
    • if the presence of an impairment or disturbance is sufficient that the person is unable to make a decision at the relevant time and can be described as not being able to:
    • communicate
    • understand
    • retain
    • evaluate