
Cards (11)

  • 'I marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal... no better than the fools' zanies' - Act 1, Scene 3
  • 'Why, of mankind' - Act 1, Scene 5
  • 'Not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy' - Act 1, Scene 5
  • 'Here, madam, at your service.' - Act 1, Scene 5
  • 'My lady bade me tell you, that... she's nothing allied to your disorders.' - Act 2, Scene 3
  • 'in my branched velvet gown, having come from a daybed, where I have left Olivia sleeping-' - Act 2, Scene 5
  • 'play with my-some rich jewel' - Act 2, Scene 5
  • 'Some are born great, some acheive greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em' - Act 2, Scene 5
  • 'I do not fool myself, to let imagination jade me' - Act 2, Scene 5
  • 'To bed? Ay sweetheart, and I'll come to thee' - Act 3, Scene 4
  • 'I'll be revenged on the whole pack of you.' -Act 5, Scene 1