Black Death

Cards (8)

  • The Black Death killed about one-third to two-thirds of the population.
  • Disease was caused by the pathogen Yersinia Pestis that was passed by a bite of a flea on rat
  • People thought it was caused by:
    God punishing them for their sins
    Miasma-bad smelling air
    Movement of planets
  • Attempts to cure/treat the disease were:
    Priests urged people to pray for forgiveness
    Flagellants whipped themselves
    Balancing the 4 humours by bloodletting
  • People placed posies of sweet smelling flowers to get rid of miasma
  • King Edward III ordered the mayor of london to clean the city streets.
  • The goverment did very little to deal with the disease
  • After the Black death there were some attempts to improve public health such as:
    London built a jetty out into the thames to get rid of carcasses could be taken away by boat
    in 1415 the mayor reordered the rebuidling of a latrine in Moorgate that had been spilling out causing miasma