Fish of Kansas: Locations

Cards (61)

  • Chestnut Lamprey
    Historically: Missouri R. Tributaries
    Present: Extirpated
  • Lake Sturgeon
    Historically: Missouri River
    Present: Extirpated
  • Shovelnose Sturgeon

    Historically: Republican, KS
    Present: ONLY Eastern Kansas River
  • Pallid Sturgeon

    Historically: Eastern border of KS
    Present: Missouri River (NE KS)
  • American Paddlefish
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Rivers & reservoirs. Common is Marais de Cygnes & Neosho
  • Longnose Gar
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Eastern KS; rivers, large streams, & reservoirs
  • Shortnose Gar
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Slackwater areas of rivers in Eastern KS
  • Spotted Gar
    Historically: Same as present, potentially expanding
    Present: Slackwater areas of Neosho & Verdigris SE KS
  • Goldeye
    Historically: Marais de Cygnes River
    Present: Reservoirs and pools of Missouri & Kansas Rivers
  • Gizzard Shad
    Historically: Expanding in KS
    Present: Anywhere with large pools of water
  • American Eel
    Historically: used to be abundant
    Present: Rare in KS River
  • River Carpsucker
    Historically: Everywhere except West
    Present: Reservoirs, pools, & backwaters in most of KS
  • Quillback
    Historically: Confused for River Carpsucker
    Present: Arkansas, Kansas, Republican, Verdigris Rivers & Reservoirs
  • Smallmouth Buffalo
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Eastern half of KS including Arkansas River
  • Bigmouth Buffalo
    Historically: Extirpated from Big Blue River
    Present: Eastern half of KS, larger streams and rivers
  • Black Buffalo
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Large rivers & reservoirs of Eastern KS
  • White Sucker
    Historically: Same as present; have not been seen in Southern regions in a while
    Present: NE & N KS (not Arkansas & Verdigris)
  • Spotted Sucker
    Historically: Not seen in Marais des Cygnes since 1950s
    Present: SE KS (Neosho, Verdigris, Walnut)
  • Golden Redhorse
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: E and SE KS; most common redhorse in Ark. R.
  • Pealip/Shorthead Redhorse
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: E & S Central KS
  • Blue Catfish
    Historically: Declines in larger rivers
    Present: Found primarily in reservoirs
  • Channel Catfish
    Historically: Expanding
    Present: Intensively stocked anywhere there is water
  • Flathead Catfish
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Eastern 3/4 of KS rivers & reservoirs
  • Black Bullhead
    Historically: Same
    Present: Anywhere in KS
  • Yellow Bullhead
    Historically: Expanded West
    Present: Anywhere in KS
  • Freckled Madtom
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: SE KS creeks & small rivers
  • Grass Carp
    Historically: Introduced to KS around 1963
    Present: Dispersed throughout the Ark. and Miss. River drainages
  • Common Carp
    Historically: Fishery ponds and small sections of streams
    Present: Most streams and stocked in reservoirs throughout KS
  • Emerald Shiner
    Historically: Further West in the Ark.
    Present: Throughout the Ark. and Kansas river basins
  • Sand Shiner

    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Most of KS streams
  • Red Shiner

    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Most KS Streams
  • Redfin Shiner
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Eastern and SE Kansas streams
  • Topeka Shiner
    Historically: Possibly scattered throughout KS
    Present: Flint Hill's prairie streams
  • Golden Shiner

    Historically: Primarily Eastern part of the state
    Present: Expanding throughout the state
  • Central Stoneroller
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Abundant in smaller streams (no predators)
  • Suckermouth Minnow
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Throughout most permanent streams
  • Plains Minnow

    Historically: Widely abundant in the Ark. and Kansas River basins
    Present: Scattered primarily in the Ark. and Kansas riveres
  • Bluntnose Minnow

    Historically: Same as different
    Present: Mostly Eastern Kansas
  • Bullhead Minnow
    Historically: Not present in the KS River basin until 1976
    Present: Ark. and Kansas River Basins
  • Southern Redbelly Dace
    Historically: Same as present
    Present: Small, clear, permanent streams