ISA300: ‘The objective of the auditor is to plan that audit so that itwill be performed in an effective manner
What is the need to plan an audit?
To obtain sufficient appropriate evidence for the circumstances
To helpkeep audit costs reasonable
To avoid misunderstanding with the client
What are the overall components for planning the assignment?
Planning process
Analytical procedures
Risk assessment
Understanding the entity
What are the two key documents in audit planning?
Audit strategy
Audit plan
Audit Strategy: Theformulationof thegeneral strategyfor the audit,whichsets thescope, timinganddirectionof theauditand guidesthedevelopment of theaudit plan
Audit Plan: Moredetailedthan thestrategyand sets out thenature,timingandextentof auditprocedures (including risk assessment) tobeperformedby theengagement team membersin order toobtainsufficient appropriate audit evidence
What are the key components of the audit strategy?
Risk Materiality
Understanding the entity's environment
Coordination ,direction, supervision and review
Understanding the entity's accounting system and internal controls
Nature, extent and timing of audit procedures
What are the key components of the audit plan?
Attention tothemost important areas
Proper collection of evidence
Appropriate review of work
Identification of potential problems
Proper organisation and management
Materialityis vital conceptwhenauditors seek todetermine company’sfinancial statements give a true and fair view.
Without an idea of what level of misstatement in financial statementswould be misleading, auditors would not be able to evaluate theimportance ofmisstatements discovered during audit testing
Financial statements do not give a trueand fair view when misstatements aresignificant or material
Auditors have to determine extent to which financial statements can be misstated before t hey would alter decision of shareholders –primary user group
At outset of audit – particularly during planning,auditors have to decide what level of error or misstatement could occur in the financial statements before an investor’s decision would be influenced
ISA 320 states that ‘materiality and audit risk are consideredthroughout the audit, in particular, when:
Identifyingand assessing the risks of material misstatement;
Determining the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures;
Evaluating the effect of uncorrected misstatements, if any, on the financial statements and in forming the opinion in the auditor’s report’
Auditors assess general risks and component risk, assigningmateriality, depending on:
Auditors’ past experience
Trend in a/c balance
Audit firm may decreasemateriality if inherent or control risk high,thereby influencing nature and scope of work
Auditors should record decisions on materiality in audit files – atplanning stage in audit planning memorandum
What are the Common accounting ratios used asanalytical procedures?