POST WW2 - Exam revision

Cards (12)

  • Rebuilding
    . UN founded in 1945 - Replaced league of Nations, Method to prevrnt war due to the impacts WW1 and WW2 had
    . `1948 UN declaration on human rights
    . Restating alliances - NATO
  • Denazification
    . Deeply uneven - Nuremberg trials due to Soviet judges involved despite soviet union having committed war crimes
    . Still a very heavy Nazi presence in Austria - 1.2 million Austrians serve in German arrmy
    . Germans in the collective were much passive victims to Nazism (JUDT)
    . Re-education - Eradicate Nazism and construct own democracy - uneven depending on areas US. UK and France controlled
    . JUDT - Collective Amnesia - power to forget as soon as possible - Allows to underpin the recovery of WW2
  • Stalins objectives
    . Losses, distrust of allies - Delay in opening up second front which makes Russia do most of fighting thus making them weak
    . Sphere of slav unity / anti-west buffer -
    . Origins of Cold War start post WW2
  • FDR's objectives
    . Bring troops home quickly - Electorate pressure, wants to create a durable international organisation to prevent war (UN)
    . Presence of US troops in Europe looks more like imperialism and not the new international order
    . Cement US Power - Bretton woods institutions - IMF - Dollar replaces sterling as global currency choice
  • Churchills objectives
    . preserve britians place in international affairs
    . Preserve imperial integrity
  • New world
    . Economic recovery - GDP growth
    . mass unemployment over
  • Britians sluggish growth
    . Still growing but sluggish
    . High levels of existing industrialisation so hard to grow on it
    . Start to be outpaced by economies that can impose technology in quicker ways
    . State has large levels of expenditure - Welfare state, War debt to US, Lingering imperial presence
  • Economic miracle - Reasons
    . Abundant labour - cheap labour as soldiers and refugees to access new industry
    . Destruction of industrial infrastructure was less than thought
    . Rationing and tight government control of spending - more money to reinvest
    . Marshall Plan - US Loans extended to European economies - Otherwise radical parties will grow - Shows US commitment to European recovery
    . intra-European trade boom - Increase in trade between European countries
  • Early European integration
    . Morally superior to Totalitarianism and communism
    . Conservatism and christianity - Cross-class colloboration, committed to Western European project
    . Legacies - Denazification, welfare capitalism
    . Scandanavian integration - Norway and Sweden economic growth
  • European integration
    . Loss of power - Europe is becoming less influential compared to US-Soviet Union - Through joining together they can become more powerful
    . Schuman declaration - ECSC
    . Marshall plan - Had to be distributed throughout Europe - by OEEC
    . NATO - Collective security
    . Council of Europe - Economic integration
    . EEC - new ideas of political continuity
  • Peter Temin
    . Indicated that rapid economic growth was a result of 'disequilibrium' - Too much labour for sectors
  • Social revolution 1945-1990 (HOBBSBAWM)
    . Death of peasantry - Less population involved in agriculture due to higher levels of technology
    . Process of Surbinisation due to better commuter and transport networks
    . Economies of specialisation - Decline of heavy industries move towards service sectors (Thatcher)
    . Migration, Multiculturalism - Skilled migrants
    . Female employmet - An increase which changes demographics and birth rates