Life of Christ

Subdecks (3)

Cards (197)

  • Jesus has two aspects of being eternal: preexistence (John 1:15) and everlasting (Isaiah 9:6)
  • Jesus claimed to be God when He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
  • deity - "rank or essential nature of God"
  • rank - "relative standing or position"
  • Nature - "basic constitution of a person determined by attributes"
  • Jesus is both deity and human
  • Incarnation - "God manifest in flesh"
  • manifest - declared, proclaimed
  • Jesus' incarnation is permanent
  • Why does Jesus' scars still remain on his earthly body?
    -Witness that He was made flesh
    -Witness the reason he was made flesh
    -Witness of His suffering with us
    -Witness of His praiseworthiness
  • T/F The title "Word" is an established title for the Messiah?
  • Words... 1) Represent 2) Reveal 3) Create
  • Jesus of Nazareth was Jesus' identity
  • Jesus was testified of by the father, the prophets, his friends, and his enemies
  • "Son of God" was an established OT title for the Messiah
  • "Son of God" was an unique one-of-a-kind title for a unique, one-of-a-kind person.
  • The title Son of God was an identification with deity and with the Triunity
  • Triune God: Truth #1- There is one God and only one God, eternal and unchanging
  • What doctrines does truth Triune God Truth #1 refute?
    Atheism, Tritheism, and Polytheism
  • Atheism - believes in no God
  • Tritheism - believes in three gods
  • Polytheism - believes in multiple gods
  • What doctrine does the Triune God truth #1 support?
  • Monotheism - believes in the existence of one supreme deity
  • Triune God: Truth #2- There are three eternal Persons described in scripture: the Father, Son, and Spirit
  • Lord - Adonai
  • GOD - Jehovah
  • LORD - Jehovah
  • God - Elohim
  • Lord GOD - The Father
  • LORD God - The Son
  • Which part of the Trinity made the universe?
    The Son
  • Triune God: Truth #3- The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all identified as being fully God
  • The Father is distinguished from the Son in Psalm 2:7, 12
  • The Spirit is distinguished from the Father in Isaiah 48:16-17
  • The Son is not the Father in Psalm 45:6-7
  • What is the conclusion of the the truth of the Triune God?
    There is one God who is three distinct coequal, coeternal persons: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • What are the three false view of the triune God?
    Modalism, Arianism, and Tritheism
  • Modalism- God reveals Himself in three ways- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Arianism - The Son is not eternal