Communication came from the Latin word “communicare,” which
means to share or to make familiar.
communication can be VERBAL or NON-VERBAL.
communication is a two-wayprocess.
communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech,
writing, signals, or behavior between a sender and a receiver.
Theo Haiman stated that “Communication means the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”
Communication is not merely transmitting a message to another; instead, it involves correctinterpretation and the same understanding of the message between the sender and receiver, resulting in successful communication.
Purposive communication is a form of communication that takes place within a specific context.
setting or environment (school, office, market, community)
social relations (colleagues, classmates, friends, family);
scenes, which include the place, time, and occasion (business meeting, job interview, social gathering)
culture (norms, values, beliefs, traditions)
Communication is the process of transmitting information and
common understanding from one person to another (Lunenburg,
This model was made in 1948 by ClaudeShannon, an American Mathematician and an Electronics Engineer, together with WarrenWeaver, an American Mathematician.
It is a linear model of communication that provides a framework for how messages are sent and received.
Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication
It is best known for its ability to explain how messages can be mixed up and misinterpreted in the process of sending and receiving the message.
The starter or the source of the idea, and it is also called information
source of communicator.
An encoder is also called a transmitter which encodes the message
into signals.
Encoding is the process of selecting words and transforming ideas
into a communicable message.
Channel or medium refers to the means used to deliver the message, and it can either be oral or written.
According to Drew (2019), the communication channel is the infrastructure that gets information from the sender and transmitter going to the decoder and receiver.
Noise refers to any interference that disrupts communication.
Internal noise is the distraction inside the brain; therefore, it is not
External noise is any distractions out a person’s body and is visible.
A decoder also refers to a receptor in which it decodes or
reconstructs the message from the signal.
The process of translating the message is called decoding, and the
receiver does this.
The receiver could be an individual, group, or organization to whom the
message is intended, and they are also called interpreters.
The receiver of the message must be a good listener and should have good comprehension skills.
Norbert Weiner decided to incorporate feedback on the communication process model so as for the sender to know if the receiver received the message.
Feedback happens when the receiver responds to the message received from the
There are three forms of feedback – reply (if written or printed), response (if
oral or face to face), and reaction (if gestures).
Feedback can either be positive or negative depending on the kind of message
relayed and how it is communicated and interpreted.
These principles of effective communication are also known as the 7 C’s of
effective communication.
Courtesy means being aware of other’s feelings, and another term for
courtesy is politeness.
Courtesy in communication stems from the “you-attitude,” which means putting your
receiver’s need first.
Consideration takes place in communication by knowing the viewpoints of
the audience, their background, education level, mindset, etc.
Clarity -the purpose of the message must be clear to the sender and the receiver.
clarity involves using appropriate language, grammar,
pronunciation, sentence construction, and delivery.
Courtesy/Consideration -In communication, people must choose polite words and tones as it is another way of showing respect to the receiver of the message.
Courtesy/Consideration -takes place in communication by knowing the viewpoints of the audience, their background, education level, mindset, etc.
Courtesy/Consideration -The sender should also be sensitive and sincere, use respectful and non-discriminatory expressions, and show optimism towards the receiver.