Cards (10)

  • psychodynamic explanation - a perspective that describes the different forces (dynamics) most of which are unconscious that operate on the mind and direct human behaviour and experiece
  • Super EGO - formed at the end of the Phalic stage where children resolve the oedipus complex. works on the morality principle and works by punishing the EGO through guilt of wrongdoing, whilst rewarding it.with pride for good moral behaviour
  • Ronald Blackburn: said that superego is somewhat deficient or inadequate then offending behaviour is enadiquate. This is because the ID is given free reign and not properly controlled
  • There are three types of inadequate superego:
    1. weak superego - same gender parent absent during phalic stage, a child can not internalise a fully-formed superego as no opportunity for identification, make immoral off offending behaviour more likely
  • 2. Deviant super ego - Superego that Child internalises has immoral or deviant values this lead to offending behaviour
    e.g boy raised by criminal father not likely associate guilt with wrongdoing
  • 3. Over-harsh superego - based on identification. having excessively punitive or harsh parenting style leads to having an over-harsh superego who is crippled with guilt and anxiety
    May (unconsciously) drive individual to perform criminal acts in order to satisfy the Superego;s overwhelming need for punishment
  • Role of emotion - effect of inadequate superego (weak, deviant or over-harsh) is to allow primitive, emotional demands to become uppermost in guiding moral behaviour which is key feature in psychodynamic approach
  • Theory of maternal deprivation (John Bowlby) - failure to establish such relationship during first few years of life are likely to experience number damaging consequences later in life: development of personality type - affectionless psychopathy, characterised by lack of guilt, empathy and feeling for others. These people are likely to engage in accts of delinquency and cannot develop close relationships with others
  • 44 Juvenile thieves (study Bowlby) - through interviews with thieves and their family found that 14 showed signs of Affectionless Psychopathy. Off 14, 12 experienced prolonged separation from mothers during infancy. Non offender group only 2 experienced similar early separation.
    concludes that effects of maternal deprivation had caused affectionless and delinquent behaviour among the juveniles
  • Defence mechanisms (Frued) - Displacement, repression and denial
    displaced aggression - antisical behaviour can't control so spill out of unconscious resulting violent offender behaviour
    trigger may release these feelings resulting antisocial behaviour