EnvironmentalScience historical focus of study: natural environment; encompasses all the fields of natural science.
Environmental Science studies the atmosphere, the land, the water and their inhabitants as differentiated from the built environment.
Modern environmental science has also found applications to the effusions from the built environment.
Environmental engineering is manifest by sound engineering thought and practice in the solution of problems of environmental sanitation.
Environmental Engineering concerned with engineering problems in the field of public health.
Air Pollution is public health concern on the micro, meso, and macro scales.
Indoor air pollution results from products used in construction materials, the inadequacy of general ventilation, and geophysical factors.
Industrial and mobile sources contribute to mesoscaleairpollution that contaminates the ambient air that surrounds us outdoors.
Macroscale (or global) effects include transport of ambient air pollutants over large distances. Effects include acid rain and ozone pollution.
Sulfur Oxides (SOx) and Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) a definite synergism exists whereby fine particulates carry absorbed SO2 to the LRT. The SO2 in the absence of particulates would be absorbed in the mucous membranes of the URT.
Photochemical Oxidants (Secondary) result entirely from atmospheric reactions and
are not direct emissions.
Photochemical Oxidants formed through absorption of a photon by an
atom, molecule.
Ozone is the principal photochemicaloxidant.
Lead a cumulative poison.
Volcanic activity and airborne soil are the
primary natural sources of Lead
Anthropogenicsources : incineration of lead-
containing wastes, Smelters and refining processes
CarbonMonoxide (CO) is the incomplete oxidation of carbon.
Carbon monoxide the colorless, odorless gas is lethal to humans