CAREER is a profession that a person may get into, either because he has found a good match between his life goals, skills, personality, and interests with a dream job, or it may jus be a means to earn a living.
TRANSFORMATIONAL THEORY - A leadership wherein the leader support from followers and the leader motivates the others to support its vision and make it happen
OBEDIECE - Paul is a good son, he makes sure that he follows his parents rules most of the time because he believe that parents should be respeted, What social influence did Paul show?
CONSUMMATE LOVE - According to Sternberg Reangular Theory of Love, it is the perfect kind of love where intimacy passion and commitment are combined
INTIMATE - It is a type of relatioship that is closely associated with that person and can only have meaing to that person
EMOTIONAL ABUSE - It is anything that harms your self-esteem or possess shame on your personality
ATTRACTION - It involves one's concious assessment of another person through their physical appearance
AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT - The mother and her infant son had argument, after the mother had left, the child acts like he is mad at his mother, This child is said to be what
BLENDED FAMILY - A kind of family consisting two or more from previous family
NUCLEAR FAMILY - A kind of family consisting of mother, father and children
TRAIT AND FACTOR THEORY - Gina is looking for a job that matches her skills, values, and personality characteristics, What kind of career theory is this
CONVERSION - Ada is an atheist, howeverwhen he was involvef with Sarah, they make sure they attend regular Sunday worship, what kind of social influece happen to Ada
COMPLIANCE - Norman is always following school rules and regulations, he follows everything that the school implements, What kinf of influece does this show
PARTICIPATIVE THEORY - John would always consult his subordinates to whatever decision should be done to the improvement of the work in their company, what best explain this theory
ACCOMODATING - Berd and George have different ideas about their science project, however at the end George decided to give up his idea, What conflict resolution did George applied
AFFAIRS (VIOLENCE) It refers to emotional infidelity, one night stand, long and short term affairs, Internet relationships and financial infidelity
AUTHORITATIVE PARENTING - Sam's father imposes rules such as schedule, washing clothes, even the time that everyone must be at home, what kind of parenting style does Sam's father does
PROPINQUITY - Jose and Mae are always together in every school activity and community activity, theircloseness makes them to know each other and soon develop attraction
REACTANCE - It is a reverse reaction to some social influence that is being imposed by a person or a group onto another to accept certain belief, behavior and attitude