
Cards (20)

  • bursitis
    sac like musculoskeletal structure
  • osteoarthritis
    wear and tear of joints
  • tendinopathy
    involves muscle-tendon unit
  • stress fracture
    common for runners with long training period and adequate rest
  • concussion
    life threatening injuries
  • swelling
    result of increased blood flow and blood pressure
  • inflammatory response
    healing process
  • stage 3
    pain wether at rest or play
  • stage 2
    pain before and after activity
  • stage 1
    pain after an activity
  • stress fracture, tendinopathy, osteoarthritis and bursitis
    examples of overuse injury
  • wounds
    break on the skin
  • dislocation
    bone pushed out from their joint capsule
  • Fracture
    breaks in continuity of bone
  • strain
    excessive stretching
  • Sprain
    overstretch ligaments
  • Sprain, strain , fracture, dislocation, wounds
    examples of acute injury
  • chronic injury
    result of overuse of one area of the body
  • acute injury
    happens suddenly and have signs and symptoms
  • ligaments, tendons, bone & muscles
    inherent strength that withstand strong forces