Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person.
Physical freedom refers to the absence of any physical restraint.
Psychological freedom, also called freedom of choice, is the ability of the person to perform actions that he or she considers right and wise.
Moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness.
Voluntariness in human freedom refers to the ability of the person to act out of his or her own free will and self-determination.
Post-industrial Society uses machinery in producing goods and services.
Responsibility in human freedom refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences.
Post-industrial Society is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.
Post-industrial Society has given rise to the virtual society.
Feudal Society is a society where those who own land are considered the most powerful and influential.
Industrial Society uses machinery in producing goods and services.
Feudal Society is based on the ownership of land.
Prudence in exercising human freedom is the ability to govern and discipline oneself with the use of reason; it is having caution and giving good judgments in making decisions.
Self-reflection in exercising human freedom allows each person to analyze his life both in small and big details in terms of the decisions, actions and choices he make.
Free will is the ability of individuals to make choices and determine their own actions.
Intersubjectivity is interaction between the self and the other, which is the mutual recognition of each other as persons.
Intersubjectivity refers to the shared awareness and understanding among persons wherein it is made possible by the awareness of the self and the other.
Important values related to intersubjectivity include acceptance of differences and embracing diversity.
Empathy is awareness of emotions and thoughts of other people in which it enables a person to place himself or herself in shoes of others that leads to a greater understanding.
Availability in interpersonal relationships refers to the willingness of a person to be present and provide assistance for another.
John Locke’s social contract is a covenant among individuals to cooperate and share the burden of upholding the welfare of the society.
In Thomas Hobbes’s view, persons in their natural states are governed by their desires and those often lead to conflict with their fellowmen.
Stephen Hawking, born in 1942, is a physicist and cosmologist who has a rare condition called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Nicholas James “Nick” Vujicic, born in 1982, is an Australian evangelist and motivational speaker who was born with phocomelia, a condition in which a person is born with no arms and legs.
Despite her handicap (loss of vision), Roselle was a consistent honors student.
Philosophers consider society as the product of deliberate actions by individuals who come together in pursuit of a common goal.
Norms are a set of traits and behaviour that society considers acceptable, and society regulates the behavior to establish social order.
The human person in society is a “social-being”.
The Age of Enlightenment is associated with Social Contract Theory according to Thomas Hobbes.
People have the rights to overthrow a field government.
Roselle Ambubuyog is the first visually-impaired Filipino to graduate summa cum laude from Ateneo de Manila in 2001.
Social Contract Theory according to Jean Jacques Rousseau advocates the concept of “ general will ”.
Society refers to an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
Social Role are actions and behaviors expected of a certain individual.
Society is a means by which people seek to control their natural tendencies and impose order.
Individuals who establish societies enter into a “social contract”.
People have empowered the government to act on their behalf, and that is considered to be the best judge of what is most beneficial for society
A social contract is an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to a higher authority.
A social system is an organized or patterned set of relationships among individuals and groups that compose a society.
Helen Keller, born in 1880, was an American author, political activist, and the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree.