Cards (31)

  • Wellbeing is a dynamic in nature, influenced by lifestyle factors and the life stage a person has.
  • Personal wellbeing refers to an individual's happiness and satisfaction with life.
  • Wellbeing factors include living in a fair and democratic society, having healthy self-esteem, a sense of purpose and meaning, the ability to adapt to change, having enough money, sufficient sleep, a sense of belonging, realistic and achievable goals, and satisfaction in social, physical, economic, emotional, and cultural aspects of life.
  • Wellbeing may be defined as the degree of satisfaction that an individual or group experiences when needs are met.
  • Social factors in the environment include opportunities for time, recreation, and relaxation; privacy; and quietness when required.
  • Physical factors for normal growth, development, and good health include satisfactory nourishment; good sleep and rest; regular health care; safety and security from external hazards and weather; and regular physical activity.
  • Emotional factors include attachment and bonding, giving and receiving love, feeling and sense of belonging; security and stability within the family unit and social group; encouragement; promotion of a good self-image and self-concept; independence that is age-appropriate; and the opportunity for self-expression and creativity.
  • Economic factors include paid employment, bank accounts, credit, budgeting, inheritance, and stable employment.
  • Cultural factors include identifying with and belonging to a cultural group; teaching and developing customs, beliefs, values, and traditions of families and communities; and having opportunities to maintain cultural heritage through story, dance, language, diet, and/or dress.
  • Spiritual factors include identifying with and belonging to a spiritual group and/or practice; teaching and developing customs, beliefs, values, and traditions that reflect their religious beliefs, values, and standards.
  • Individual and group wellbeing, individual wellbeing and group wellbeing can be either independent of each other or dependent on each other.  
  • What is speecs?
  • What is a need?
    -A need is something that is necessary for survival and overall wellbeing
  • What is a want?
    -A want is somethings people desire to make life more pleasurable but isn't necessary for existence
  • Main needs
    • Food
    • Water
    • Oxygen
    • House
    • Job
  • Secondary needs
    • Love
    • Safety
    • Privacy
    • Respect
    • Wellbeing
    • Emotional health
  • Abraham Maslow
    -The creator of hierarchy needs
    1. Physiological needs
    • .Air
    •  water
    • food
    • shelter
    • sleep
    • clothing
    •  reproduction
    1. Safety needs
    • Personal security
    • employment
    •  resources
    • health
    • property
    1. Love and belonging
    • Friendships
    • intimacy
    • family
    • sense of connection
    1. Esteem
    • Respect
    • self-esteem
    • Status
    • , recognition
    • strength
    • Freedom
    1. Self-actualization
    • Desire to become the most that one can be
    -Recourses can be defined as anything an individual, group or community can use to survive, accomplish a task, satisfy a need or a want or achieve a goal.
    In other word, a resource is anything that will help a person to life their life.
    Something is a resource if:
    • It is an object
    • It contains information
    • It is useful in a daily life
    • It contains nourishment
    • It is a skill
    • It is an ability
    -Resources that human being possess within them.
    • Knowledge
    • Intelligence
    • Creativity
    • Initiative
    • Enthusiasm
    • Empathy
    • Communication
    • NON-HUMAN (material) RESOURCES
    -Resources that are outside of human beings. They are tangible things or objects that exist externally to people and can be seen and experienced by people.
    • Cars
    • Hospitals
    • Computers
    • Clothing
    • Shelter
    • Money
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    .Love and belonging
    .Safety needs
    Physiological needs
  • Interchangeability
    -Means to exchange of resources for goods and/or services

    Interchanging resources often involves trading somethings wanted or needed. For example, a local farmer might provide vegetable to another farmer in exchange for horse manure.
  • Interchangeability also means a resource's ability to be used in a number of ways
  • Sustainability: Effective and efficient use of resources to ensure they are available for future use.
  • Sustainability can be connected with recycling and conservation. Both reliability and availability of resources are constantly changing. Demand for various resources diminishes whereas other resources become a necessity.
  • S: Specific
    M: Measure
    A: Achieve