Reggae - It is often described with its most distinctive qualities of offbeat rhythm and staccato chords.
Bebop - It was characterized by a fast tempo, instrumental virtuosity and improvisation.
Blues - vocal forms of music which catchy rhythms are accompanied by handclaps, and extemporaneous body moves.
Slit Drum - musical instrument of africa, he noticed that it is made up of carved bamboo with two wholes horizontally on it and it sounded two different pitches one is thick and the other one is thin.
Latin American music - is the product of three major influences civilized Spanish-Portuguese and Africa.
OPM - Genre of Sharon Quneta
Call and response - the elements of music he realized that the second phrase is being repeated as a commentary to the first phrase.
Ragtime - It contains regular meters and dear phrases, with an alteration of low bass or bass octaves and chords.
Jazz music - used to voice their sentiments and recall nostalgic past in their home country.