Responsible Parenthood is a basic human right that benefits everyone, enabling couples and individuals to freely choose how many children to have and when to have them.
Tubal ligation can be done as soon as 4 to 6 hours after the birth of a baby or after an elective termination of a pregnancy, although it is more often done at 12 to 24 hours after birth.
Reproductive Life Planning includes all the decisions an individual or couple makes about whether and when to have children, how many children to have, and how they are spaced.
Health Teaching is necessary because some couples want counselling about how to avoid conception.
Family Planning is voluntary and moral management of all the processes of family life including human reproduction.
Contraceptives are products used to prevent pregnancy by women and men.
Pregnancy Test must be performed first to make sure that the woman seeking for birth control is not presently pregnant.
Natural Family Planning (NPF) and Fertility Awareness Method are the contraceptive approaches of NPF, involving no introduction of chemical or foreign material into the body or sustaining from sexual intercourse during a fertile period.
Transdermal Contraception involves patches that slowly but continuously release a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
After 3 months of breastfeeding, a woman should be advised to choose another method of contraception.
COCs must be prescribed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or nurse - midwife after a pelvic examination and a Papanicolaou (pap) smear.
Popular COCs prescribed are MONOPHASIC or provide fixed doses of both estrogen and progestin throughout a 21 - day cycle.
TRIPHASIC preparations vary in both estrogen and progestin content throughout the cycle.
Emergency Postcoital Contraception, also known as morning-after pills, are available for emergency purposes.
The high level of estrogen they contain apparently interferes with the production of progesterone, thereby prohibiting good implantation.
Physician Obligations include Do no harm (primum non necere, Hippocrates) and Assessing the balance between the risk and benefit.
Mini pills oral contraceptives containing only progestins, the progesterone content thickens cervical mucus and helps prevent sperm entry into the uterine cervix.
The Yuzpe regimen consists of the administration of 2 fixed-dose combination pills (usually oral), taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.
Because estrogen interferes with lipid metabolism, it may lower the concentration of low - density lipoproteins (LDL) and increase the high - density lipoprotein (HDL) level.
Hormonal contraceptives are hormones that cause such fluctuations in a normal menstrual cycle that ovulation does not occur.
Oral Route includes pill, OCs (oral contraceptive), or COCs (for combination oral contraceptives), composed of varying amounts of synthetic estrogen combined with a small amount of synthetic progesterone (progestin).
Progesterone action complements that of estrogen by causing a decrease in the permeability of cervical mucus, thereby limiting sperm motility and access to ova.
COCs are 99.7% effective if used correctly and have a 95% failure rate.
COCs are packed with 21 or 28 pills in a convenient dispenser, generally recommended that the first pill be taken on a SUNDAY.
BIPHASIC preparations deliver a constant amount of estrogen throughout the cycle but an increased amount of progestin during the last 11 days.
Hormonal contraceptives may be administered orally, transdermally, vaginally, by implantation, or through injection.
Coitus Reservatus is a method of withdrawal without ejaculation.
Coitus Interruptus is one of the oldest known methods, where the couple proceeds with coitus until the moment of ejaculation, then the man withdraws, and spermatozoa are emitted outside the vagina.
Estrogen acts to suppress FSH and LH, thereby suppressing ovulation.
Tubal ligation usually refers to a minor surgical procedure, such as tubal ligation, where the fallopian tubes are occluded by cautery, crushing, clamping, or blocking, thereby preventing passage of both sperm and ova.
Vasectomy involves a small incision or puncture wound is made on each side of the scrotum, the vas deferens at that point is then located, cut, and tied, cauterized, or plugged, blocking the passage of spermatozoa.
Tubal ligation can be done under local anesthesia in an ambulatory setting, such as physician’s office, or a reproductive life planning clinic.
After a menstrual flow and before ovulation, an incision as small as 1 cm is made just under the woman’s umbilicus with the woman under general or local anesthesia.
The ideal failure rate of condoms is 2% and the typical failure rate is 15% due to breakage or spillage.
Permanent family planning/surgical methods include tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men.
Colpotomy is an incision through the vagina.
If either the male or his partner has a sensitivity to latex, he can use a polyurethrane or natural membrane condom type.
Condoms are one of the few “male-responsibility” birth control measures available, and no health care visit or prescription is needed.
Hematoma at the surgical site may occur, although this is seen less frequently with “no scalpel” or puncture incisions.
Abstinence is the refraining from sexual relations, has a theoretical 0% failure rate and is also the most effective way to prevent STIs.