1: Class and achivment

Cards (28)

  • Feinstein:
    • highest qualified parents are more likely to use language to challenge their children
    • parents education is the most important factor affecting childrens achievment
  • Troyna and Williams:
    • not childs language as the issue but the schools attitide towards it where they have a speech hierarchy MC then WC then black
  • Bernstein:
    • restricted code which is used by WC, has limited vocabulary and uses simple sentances
    • elaborated code used by MC with wider vocab and has more complex sentances
    • differences give MC children and advantage at school becase elaborated code is used everywhere in school
  • Douglas:
    • WC parents place less value on education so are less ambitious for their children
  • Bernstein and Young:
    • MC parents spend income to promote childrens educational success like on toys and educational visits
  • Sugarman:
    • WC has subcultural values which are a barrier to educational achievment
    • Fatalism, Collectivism, immediate gratification and present time orientation
  • Keddie:
    • WC children not deprived but different
    • not family but education su=ystem which is based on MC values which discriminate against WC children
  • Blackstone and mortimore:
    • WC parents do take interst in childs education but cannot attend school things as are working or have other commitments
  • Howard:
    • young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals
    • Poor nutrition affects health keeping them of school or unable to concentrate
  • Wilkinson:
    • lower the social class the higher the rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders
  • Tanner:
    • cost of free schooling
    • WC children may not be able to afford extra equipment so may have to deal with hand me downs which are unfashionable
  • Flaherty:
    • fear of stigma may explain why 20% of FSM do not take up their entitlement
  • Callendar and Jackson:
    • working class students are more debt averse and see it as a negative, why many avoid university
  • Moritimore and Whitty:
    • material inequalities have greatest effect on underachievement
  • Robison:
    • argues tackling child poverty would be most effective way to boost achievment
  • Bourdieu:
    • argues both cultural and material factors contribute to achievement and are related
    • comes up with cultural capital which is the values the MC have which lets them succeed
  • Leech and Campos:
    • MC parents are more likely to be able to afford a house in a catchment are a of a good school
    • selection by mortgage
  • Sullivan:
    • Questionnaires to pupils to assess their cultural capital
    • backs up boundieu findings that middle class have more cultural capital
  • Bereiter and engelmann:
    • Language in lower classes are deficient
  • Becker:
    • based on interview with 60 chigago high teachers,
    • They judged pupils according to how closely they fitted the ideal pupil
    • Influenced by there conduct and appearnece
  • Dunne and gazeley:
    • interviewed in 9 english state schools,
    • found teachers normalised WC underachivement but had to improve upon MC
    • also labeled the parents of pupils influencing their labels
  • Rist:
    • study in american primary schools found teachers split students into groups which reflected their social class
    • The MC where labeled as tigers and the WC as Clowns or cadinals
  • Rosenthal and Jacobson:
    • faked an IQ test in school and choose random pupils to be "spurters"
    • those who where labeled performed better in later tests
    • those who wernt performed worse
    • proof of self-fullfiling prophecy
  • Gillborn and Youdell:
    • Idea of educational triage
    • To meet the A to C economy teachers have to make cuts
    • those who will pass anway and those who are "hopeless cases" recieve little to no help
    • most help should placed on those on the boundary to ensure they get that final push
  • Archer:
    • develops on Boudieus concept of habitas
    • argues that schools have a middle class habitas giving MC pupils an advantage
    • some WC pupils create there own status by playing into styles e.g. Nike
    • or they have to change to fit the middle class image
  • Evans:
    • studied 21 girls in a comphrehensive doing A levels
    • many wouldnt apply to oxbridge for fear of not fitting in
    • they exclude themsleves by narrowing there options
  • Lacey
    Differentiation - process of teacher catregorising students
    Polarisation - process of pupils responding by either forming anti or pro school subcultures
  • Ball
    Experiement in a school where setting and streaming but pupil polarisation still continued as labelling persisted
    Students with more positive labels did better in their final exams