Variation in corolla

Cards (16)

  • Apetalous – without petals; sometimes the petals are reduced into inconspicuous scales.
  • Bilabiate – when the united corolla becomes two-lipped at the rim
  • Campanulate – when the united corolla assumes the shape of a bell.
  • Funnel-shaped or funnelform – when the corolla tube gradually expands upward like that of a funnel.
  • Gamopetalous or sympetalous – when the sepals are united at their margins forming a corolla tube.
  • Ligulate or strap-shaped – the base of a short tube opening out into an elongated, flat, strap-like appendage.
  • Ligule – a flattened part of a ray corolla.
  • Lip – these are projections in a two-lipped bilabiate corolla of an irregular flower.
  • Papilionaceous – irregular flowers of family Fabaceae resemble that of a butterfly.
  • Plicate – when the petals are folded in longitudinal plaits.
  • Polypetalous or choripetalous – when the petals are distinct or free.
  • Rotate or stellate – the petals are wheel-shaped, the lobes radiate from the base.
  • Salvershape – the corolla tube is elongated and the short corolla limb spreads horizontally.
  • Spur – a protruding structure of the corolla or calyx.
  • Tubular – when the corolla tube is elongated, the size is almost uniform throughout the tube.
  • Urceolate – when the corolla is shaped like an urn.