accommodation: ability to focus for close vision (less than 20ft)
emmetropia: normal vision
hyperopia: farsightedness, the light rays focus behind the retina
myopia: short sightedness, the light rays are focused in front of the retina
astigmatism: blurred vision due to unequal curvatures of lens or cornea
optic disc test: blind spot test
lens refractive index can be varied by changing lens shape
greater the lens convexity, or bulge, the more light is refracted
the less convex the lens (flatter it is) the less it bends light
distance vision, ciliary muscles relax, zonule is tense, convexity and refraction are reduced (flat lens)
close vision, ciliary muscles contracted, zonule is loose, convexity and refraction is increased (bulged lens)
visual acuity: sharpness of vision, tested by Snellen eye chart
corrective lenses
concave for myopic eye
convex for hyperopic eye
near point vision tests for accommodation
astigmatism chart test for unusual curvatures in the eye
Ishihara's color plates test for color photoreceptor cell deficiencies
three types of cone: red, blue and green
overlapping input from more than one cone type makes our brain interpret intermediate colors
binocular vision: 170 degree visual field with overlap of considerable extent; primary visual cortex fuses different images to provide depth perception
eyes in front like to hunt; eyes to the side like to hide
depth perception test with pencil and test tube
convergence: medial eye movements
intrinsic muscles of eye controlled by ANS like ciliary body, sphincter and dilator pupillae muscles of iris
extrinsic eye muscles are rectus muscles and responsible for convergence
ophthalmoscopic exam checks the fundus to determine condition of retina, optic disc, and internal blood vessels
diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis and degenerative optic nerve and retina changes detected by this test
presbyopia: age-related loss of accommodation, resulting in difficulty focusing on near objects (far-sightedness)
20/20 vision is the ability to see objects clearly at a distance of 20 feet
20/40 visual acuity: person stands 20 feet from chart and read letters that are discernable to normal eye at 40 feet; less than normal vision/myopia
20/15 visual acuity: vision is better than normal as person can read at 20 feet letters that are discernible to normal eye at 15 feet