Axial Skeleton

Cards (28)

  • Identify
    A) External Occipital Protuberance
    B) Occipital Bone
    C) Lambdoid Suture
  • Identify
    A) Squamous Suture
    B) Temporal Bone
    C) Zygomatic Arch
    D) External auditory meatus
    E) Mastoid Process
    F) Temporal Process
    G) Zygomatic Process
    H) Zygomatic Bone
  • What is this?
    Styloid process
  • Identify
    A) Frontal Bone
    B) Coronal Suture
    C) Sagittal Suture
    D) Parietal Bones
  • Identify
    A) Lesser Wing
    B) Greater Wing
    C) Sella Turcica
  • What bone is that?
    Sphenoid bone
  • Identify
    A) Maxilla
    B) Lacrimal
    C) Vomer
    D) Perpendicular Plate
    E) Middle Concha
    F) Ethmoid
    G) Nasal Bone
    H) Anterior Nasal Spine
    I) Inferior Concha
  • Identify
    A) Maxilla
    B) Lacrimal bone
    C) Sphenoid bone
    D) Ethmoid bone
    E) Nasal bone
    F) Vomer
    G) Inferior nasal conchae
    H) Ethmoid Bone
    I) Frontal bone
  • Identify
    A) Mandibular Fossa
    B) Palatine
    C) Foramen Magnum
    D) Occipital Condyle
  • What is this?
    A) Occipital Condyle
  • Identify
    A) Mandibular Notch
    B) Body
    C) Mental foramen
    D) Mandibular condyle
    E) Ramus
    F) Coronoid Process
  • Label the parts of the mandible
    A) Body
    B) Coronoid Process
    C) Ramus
  • Label the parts of the mandible
    A) Mental foramen
    B) Mandibular canal
  • Identify
    A) Ethmoid
    B) Maxilla
    C) Zygomatic Bone
    D) Lacrimal
  • Identify
    A) Pedicle
    B) Inferior articular processes
    C) Vertebral foramen
    D) Body
  • What part is this?
    A) Pedicles
  • Identify
    A) Greater Cornu
    B) Body
    C) Lesser Cornu
  • Identify
    A) Lesser Cornu
    B) Body
    C) Greater Cornu
  • Identify
    A) Manubrium
    B) Xiphoid Process
    C) Body
  • Identify
    A) Superior Articular Processes
    B) Lamina
    C) Transverse Process
    D) Spinous Process
  • Label parts of the vertebrae
    A) Spinous Process
    B) Superior Articular Processes
    C) Lamina
    D) Transverse Process
    E) Pedicles
  • Identify
    A) Intervertebral Disk
    B) Intervertebral Foramen
  • Identify
    A) Dens Process
    B) C2 - Axis
    C) C1 - Atlas
  • Identify
    A) Neck
    B) Tubercle
    C) Head
  • Identify this part of the rib
    A) Facet
  • Identify the two parts of the sacrum plus the bottom one
    A) Foramina
    B) Coccyx
    C) Sacral Canal
  • Identify
    A) Vertebral ribs
    B) Vertebrosternal ribs
    C) Vertebrochondral ribs
  • Identify
    A) Chondrosternal joint
    B) Costal Cartilage
    C) Costovertebral Joint
    D) Costochondral Joint