The Secretary of the DPWH is responsible for policy making, issuing memorandum circulars, prescribing fees, and appointing building officials in all municipalities.
The Building Official is tasked with the enforcement of the Code in his jurisdiction, issuing, denying, suspending and revoking permits, undertaking inspection of buildings, and acting on claims.
Administration and enforcement of the Code are the responsibilities of the Secretary of the DPWH.
From the finished surface of the roadway all the way up to the air, the above grade row is utilized for whatever purpose, the use or air rights must be compensated for (leased from the government).
Three levels of roadway rows exist: above grade, at grade, and below grade.
If utilized for whatever purpose, the proponent must lease/pay the government for the at grade row.
From the natural grade line to the finished surface of the carriageway or sidewalk, the at grade row is generally utilized for the movement of the general public (motorists and pedestrians).
From the finished surface of the roadway all the way down into the ground, the below grade row is utilized for whatever purpose, the proponent must lease/pay the government.
The minimum clear height for the above grade row is 4.27m from the crown of the carriageway.
GFA = Gross floor area, which includes all enclosed floor areas, no exceptions.
OFB = Outer faces of the building.
AMVB = Allowable max volume of building.
Method 2: FLAR, or Floor to lot area ratio, is the total floor area divided by the lot area.
The Code prescribes several different methods for determining building bulk.
TGFA = Total gross floor area, which includes all enclosed floor areas, no exceptions.
Building bulk is a volume quantity, defined as Footprint x Height.
A FLAR designation of 1.50 means that a lot measuring 100sqm may accommodate a building whose total floor area is 150sqm.
FLAR = Floor and lot area ratio, which is the total floor area divided by the lot area.
Method 1: AMBF Projection involves determining the AMBF and the BHL (in meters), then AMBF x BHL = Building bulk.
AMBF = Allowable max building footprint, expressed in square meters.
FLAR tells us how many lots can fit inside the building.
Arcades may be constructed on sidewalks of streets whenever allowed or required by existing building and zoning regulations.
Unless at least 2.40m above the pavement, no door or window shall project beyond the property line when fully opened or upon opening.
The chaflan shall be at least 4.00m wide.
Foundations may encroach 500mm into the sidewalk if the top of the foundation is at least 600mm below grade.
Footings located at least 2.40m below grade may project 300mm (maximum) beyond the property line on national roads or public highways.
Every corner building or fence on a public street less than 3.60m wide shall be truncated at the corner to form a chaflan.
Clearance between sidewalk grade and lowest portion of balcony is 3.00m minimum.
Arcades shall be at least 3.00m above the sidewalk grade.
In all cases, these projections shall not obstruct any utilities/services, unless the owner is willing to pay for the rerouting of said utilities/services.
Projections beyond the property line are not allowed unless otherwise allowed by the Code.
Site occupancy is measured at ground level and exclusive of courts, yards, and light wells.
The Code defines seven lot types: Inside lot, Interior lot, Corner lot, Through lot, Corner through lot, Corner through lot abutting 3 or more streets, and End lot.
PSO, TOSL, USA, ISA are acronyms for PSO plus TOSL, TOSL plus USA, USA plus ISA, and ISA plus USA respectively.
Setbacks, site occupancy, room sizes, ceiling heights, window sizes, and courts are variables in site planning.
The formula for AMVB is: AMBF x BHL = initial AMVB (“prism”), Superimpose the angular plane originating from the RROW onto the “prism”, and Use the angular plane to reduce the volume of the prism.
GFA is calculated by the formula: TLA x FLAR.
PSO is calculated by the formula: AMBF / TLA.
Building bulk is calculated by the formula: FLAR x TLA = Total floor area, Total floor area/Number of storeys = Footprint, and Footprint x BHL = Building bulk.
TGFA is calculated by the formula: GFA + Non-GFAT.