Cards (19)

  • Stain removal is the process of removing a mark or spot left by one substance on a specific surface like a fabric.
  • A stain is a spot or localized discoloration left on the fabric by the foreign substance.
  • There are 13 types of stains: blood, candle, chewing gum, rust, scorch, water spores, ink, coffee, chocolate, fruit juice, tea, and ice cream.
  • The procedures for removing blood stains include soaking in cold for several hours, washing in warm, soapy water, and rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing candle stains include scraping the candle with a dull knife, washing in detergent solution until the candle spot is removed, and rinsing thoroughly.
  • The procedures for removing chewing gum stains include chilling the spot with a piece of ice, scraping off the gum, washing in soapy water, and then rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing rust stains include sprinkling the stain with salt, applying lemon juice, and drying the garment in the sun.
  • The procedures for removing scorch stains include wetting the spot with cold water, drying the garment in the sun, and applying a thin slice of onion on the spot.
  • The procedures for removing water spores stains include dipping the garment in cold water and rolling it in a towel, letting it stand for a few hours, and pressing.
  • The procedures for removing coffee, chocolate, fruit juice, tea, and ice cream stains include soaking the stained part in a warm detergent/ soap solution for an hour, washing, and then rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing ink stains include soaking in cold water, lime juice, or milk, washing in warm soapy water, and then rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing mud stains include washing in soap solution and then rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing oil paint stains include applying turpentine or thinner, washing as in ordinary washing, and then rinsing.
  • The procedures for removing ketchup stains include scraping off excess ketchup, rinsing the stain in cold water, using stain remover or detergent, waiting for 5 minutes, and then washing and drying.
  • The procedures for removing soy sauce stains include first soaking the t-shirt in water mixed with bleach and detergent powder, waiting for 5 minutes, then washing it.
  • Fabric is a material made from natural or synthetic fibers, used in clothing, home furnishings, industrial products, and medical supplies. Its properties, such as strength, durability, and drape, are determined by its processing
  • Woven fabric is made by interweaving multiple threads to form a pattern that holds together
  • Woven fabric is made by interweaving multiple threads to form a pattern that holds together
  • A knitted fabric is constructed by weaving thread loops together. Knit fabrics can stretch well because the fibers are looped not woven together.