Occupancies are assigned to buildings, while zones are assigned to lands.
A occupancy includes residential dwellings, while B occupancy includes residentials, hotels, apartments.
C occupancy includes education and recreation, while D occupancy includes institutional.
E occupancy includes business and mercantile, while F occupancy includes industrial.
G occupancy includes storage and hazardous, while H occupancy includes assembly other than Group I.
I occupancy includes assembly with 1,000 or more occupant load, while J occupancy includes accessory.
R zone includes residential, while C zone includes commercial, and GI zone includes general institutional.
UTS zone includes utilities, transportation, services, while SPE zone includes special.
Setback: the width of the yard.
Minimum dimension of courts may be reduced to 1.50m in cluster living units with adjacent courts.
Separation wall: 2.00m high maximum.
Minimum area per court: 3.00sqm.
All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard by a passageway at least 1.20m wide.
Minimum area of courts: 4.00sqm.
Yard: the required open space left between the outermost face of the building and the property lines.
Minimum dimension of courts: 2.00m.
PRE zone includes parks, recreation, entertainment, while CUL zone includes cultural, A zone includes agricultural, AI zone includes agroindustrial, and PUD zone includes planned unit development.
Commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings are allowed to have firewalls provided they comply with certain conditions such as having a sprinkler system, installing fire-retardant or fire-suppression devices, and not exceeding 70% of the lot perimeter.
The maximum height for a firewall is 8 storeys.
Allowable maximum TGFA is specified in Table VII.1, p.84 of Rule 7 & 8, format: Number of floors x footprint, and depends on the lot type, zoning, and use of firewalls.
Two configurations of firewalls are allowed: Two sides with a maximum of 75% of each side and a total that should not exceed 50% of the lot perimeter, or One side plus rear with a maximum of 65% of the side and 50% of the rear, for a total that should not exceed 60% of the lot perimeter.
Total gross floor area (TGFA) is the total floor space inside the building, including services and parking, and is different from gross floor area (GFA) which only includes enclosed areas.
Building height is measured from established grade line to the topmost portion of the building and excludes allowed projections above the roof, like signage, masts, antenna or telecom tower.
When the street slope is 1/10, the sidewalk shall be maintained level for every 20 - 40 meters of run, each level joined by a ramp of a slope not exceeding 1/6.
If curb height = 200mm or lower, the driveway and the sidewalk shall be on the same plane and a ramp with a slope of 1/3 to ¼ shall connect the carriageway to the sidewalk/curb.
The local planning authority determines which streets shall have an open sidewalk or an arcaded sidewalk, or a combination of both.
If curb height = greater than 200mm, a curb cutout for the driveway may be allowed and the driveway may be constructed along the entire width of the sidewalk.
For RROW less than 9.00m, refer to Table VIII.G.3.
For a RROW width of 9.00m or more, the minimum sidewalk width shall be 1.20m on each side of the RROW.
Sidewalks should be level and of uniform grade throughout the length of the street.
When the street slope does not exceed 1/12, the sidewalk shall follow the street slope.
The sidewalk and the driveway shall be joined by a ramp with a slope of not more than 1/8.
If the difference in elevation is less than 3 meters, the highest grade is taken.
The top of a building is determined by the roof type.
The RROW width also dictates the BHL.
Towers, spires and steeples are considered as combustible materials and must not exceed 6.0 meters above the base height line (BHL).
If the difference in elevation is more than 3 meters, the average of the highest and lowest grades is taken.
Parking requirements are given in Table VII.4 on p.100 and are based on occupancy and lot/floor areas.
If the roof is sloping, the top of the building is the middle of the roof height.
The base height line (BHL) is determined by the road right of way (RROW) width.